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    2009 any mummys staying in serangoon area

    hello. i stay in Serangoon north too! who's a sahm too???
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    Any SAHMs in Serangoon Nth/ Serangoon/ Hougang

    hi, I am staying at serangoon north... Only saw this thread now. I have a 4 yo girl. I send her to Pats schoolhouse at Lim Ah Pin Road. I would highly recommend Pats!!! I am very satisfied with this school... Definately good!! I believe what you pay= what you get...
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    Trying Hard To Conceive..Please Share..

    hi, what is pcos??
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    Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

    gabby, No Pay Child care leave can take up till your child turns 3 years old.
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    Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

    hi trishbb, I pump 4 times a day. I used to have lots of extra for freezing. Slowly my supply dropped though I am still pumping the same number of times. I think it is to be expected. Now I need to supplement with my frozen milk. Sigh... So sad.. Hi Tyan, I think I should be going back to...
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    Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

    Yes, they have very complicated calculation of paying back shool hoildays during NPL. Hence to make things simplier for myself, My NPL is from 1st jan to 31st Dec
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    janet, I love everything from m and s. taz, Sigh... too far.. me in serangoon north. Even if you throw with all your might, will not be able to reach me, prolly will land in someone else's house.
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    taz, Really? Where do you stay? I am still thinking of the chips... yumm yummm.. It;s in my favourite flavour some more. I just bought some Marks and Spencer Chocolate Teacakes and red currant puff. Can use them to barter trade with your chips?
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    Taz, Janet, That packet of calbee potato chips behind the wooden towel holder is calling out to me.. ha ha ha
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    Janet, What do you mean by "The aluminium bottle which Japancraze is letting go was bought from Japancraze"?? $65 for a peace of mind, to me, its worth it. Anyway from what I observe, you are a careful user, so the bottle will last you for a long long time. As long as blue genie's neck
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    janet, Okay, from what i know KittyLove, Kai Kai, Isetan Giftgate has LD. The rest of places, I don't know already. Now you cannot say dun know where to play.. ha ha.. Actually I think play LD quite worth it. At least the prizes are all authentic. And are quite nice. The kick you get from...
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    blue genie, your neck super long long... well ali ba ba genie does have a long long neck.. hee hee
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    janet/ purin, Especially if we are giving the water to the little ones..
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    blue genie, You are so funny
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    Purin, Kittylove has 2 sets of CK LD. So they will only open the HK LD when the 2 set of CK LD is finished. This is what they told me.
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    Janet, Does the SIGG brand carry HK designs? Well, at least it's the original authentic aluminium bottle. So can drink water from it with peace in mind. My ex colleague told me all the fake aluminim bottle may not be save to drink from cuz do not know if the material they use harmful to health...
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    But also good cuz can save more $$$. Janet, do you indulge in LD?
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    END APRIL?? huh... fainted...
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    purin, Must build up health, even more importantly, now.. hee hee With blessings from janet and I, you will sure get a girl
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    Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

    hi janet, Thanks for your warm welcome. I just hope I wont end up buying too many things, my poor ears will also suffer same fate as yours if I do.
