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  1. Q

    (2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

    I have yellowish discharge too, though not a lot and not everyday. Doc says it's fine so long there's no smell and no itch.
  2. Q

    (2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

    Waking up is the first hurdle. Then gotta resist the temptation to take mc. Lol...
  3. Q

    (2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

    Yah... Mine is 8 years apart... Feel like a newbie again... Consolation is, #1 is old enough to show care and concern. :)
  4. Q

    (2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

    Finding it very difficult to wake up for work in the morning, even though I've already slept 10hr. Trying hard to resist taking mc (already took 1 last Fri)....
  5. Q

    (2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

    Hi all, this is my first post although I've been doing the "silent" reading since last week when I tested positive. Had my first scan yesterday. So relieved to hear heartbeat. EDD is estimated 23 Jul. This is my #2. My elder boy will be 8 next year. Long story for the gap but I'm very happy to...
