Toys for a five-year-old kid


New Member
My kids always want to have a puppy but I am really really afraid of it.
It seems like I could only buy a toy animal for them.
Luckily, the magic jungle toy set have 4 sound modes, even including the simulated animal sound.
Thanks for saving me!!!

I just back it today on indiegogo;)


Your kids can be imaginative, active, creative, or just about anything. These toy gifts are engaging and can enhance his innate talents and qualities.
  1. Outdoor exploration Set, kid’s adventure pack
  2. Hauck Lightning – Pedal Go Kart | Pedal Car | Ride On Toys
  3. Disney Princess Necklace Activity Set Necklace Set
  4. Kids Grow ‘n Glow Terrarium – Science Kit for Kids
  5. Barbie careers baby doctor playset
