Extreme fatigue post confinement


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and is seeking for a solution or suggestion.

I had a very bad confinement lady who insist that I eat less and that it's not necessary to use DOM.

For my whole confinement, I had quite little food (one spoon of rice, one slice of fish that that is the size of one third of my palm. Occasionally with another dish such as chicken or pig trotter of small portion). As for the so called supper, she only gave me 3 for the last week and it was boiled with my chicken essence.

It was until I returned to work that I realised how bad this was (many other aspects in terms of looking after my boy too). In fact, most of the herbs my mother bought were left untouched.

Till today, I have been experiencing extreme fatigue even though my mum has been helping me to take care of my son for a few days and nights straight. I believe this has something to do with not receiving enough tonics during confinement.

I am a first time mother and I knew nothing about confinement stuff. Is there anyone that could advise me or give me a suggestion to end my fatigueness please?
Did you engage her from an agency? I think that it's important for us to eat as much as our appetite allows us to because we burn a lot of calories during breastfeeding.

For lunch and dinner, I had a standard of 1 vegetable dish, 1 meat or fish dish, 1 herbal or tonic soup, 1 full bowl of white rice mixed with brown rice, and a full cup of red date tea. For supper, I had eggs fully cooked with essence of chicken or bird's nest with added collagen powder. For breakfast, it's more "western". I'll have toast bread with avocados or warm oats with fruits. Then I'll have roasted almonds, walnuts or more soups for snacks twice a day.

My suggestion is since your pregnancy was just a few months ago, go to a reputable TCM specialist like Eu Yan Sang, etc. to "tiao" your body back. Let the doctor know your problem and he will be able to "bu" your health back on track. Treat it like a 2nd confinement. Get well soon!
Hi, I think your confinement lady didn't take a good care of you. Actually you have to get as more nutrients as you can during confinement to make a well recovery from delivery. If you still feel really fatigue, try to take some supplements like multivitamins. omega-3 oil, and lecithin. Or you can drink chicken essence with vaccaria seed (wang bu liu xing), not only boost your vital energy but is helpful for breastfeeding. I choose the brands Tian Yuan Xiang and Eu Yan Sang, both are reputable TCM tonics brands.
Your food portion looks like a movie star who wants to return to stage in a short time.
Do you breastfeed your lo? If the answer is yes, you can have 300 Kcals than usual.
To be honest, the most precious time for you to build a health constitution was past. You can only start to take care of your spleen and stomach by have pumpkin or si shen first and then have some tonic or nutrition supplement like wang bu liu xing, warm ginger. Chicken essence works for me, too. I drank tian yuan xiang and eu yan sang both for confinement now but I like tian yuan xiang more.

now go to see a TCM is a better way for you to solve this problem from beginning.
