Our baby sometimes cries uncontrollably


New Member
Our boy, now nearly 1 year, cries very badly sometimes, and it is very hard to stop him.

When he cries he is extremely loud. He also arches his back and it is difficult to hold him. It is like he is hysterical. If we get his attention he stops briefly but starts back up again, as though he is in pain and it's not going away.

We've so far assumed that he does this when irritable - i.e. hungry, tired, sleepy, haze. But this morning he woke up screaming. He also wakes up screaming during the night but my wife feeds him and he calms down and goes back to sleep. This morning though his eyes were half closed and he cried for almost 15 mins before my wife tried playing a Youtube song he likes and somehow this managed to hold his attention long enough that he calmed down.

His other development milestones have been good though. Normal weight, normal reponsiveness, normal physical activity.

Do any of you have this sort of problem? I am pondering whether to visit a paediatrician about this.
I think they are more aware of things now and no longer blur blur when they were younger. So sometimes they might be lost/don't know how to react/scared/just throwing tantrums/insist their way/want attention. They might be also trying to gain independence so sometimes they want to feed themselves, bathe themselves.

My girl who has always been okay to sit in the car seat alone at the back while I am driving, threw a crying and screaming fit last night for no apparent reason. I stopped at a petrol station to try to calm her down. The moment I carried her, she stopped crying but the moment I put her back in the car seat, she screamed and cried again. I deduced she just wanted me to carry her.
