WTA reducing flabby skin


It took me abt 3 yrs to get my stomach back after the first pregnancy and now it's almost 3 yrs after my second one and my stomach still looks like i am pregnant. Have a bulge of loose flabby skin around the stomach area which my gynae told me can only be removed with a tummy tuck. Situp and slimming belt and toning cream doesnt seem to help so far.<br /><br />Does any mummies have any advice on how they manage to get rid of the loose flabby skin? Anyone who went for body scrupting or toning treatments at those beauty centres? If yes, any improvements, where and how much?<br /><br />I got a quote for tummy tuck and it's 11k.. way too expensive for me to afford.<br/>
Try using supplement product and customized weight management program. I think its work. Interest add me FB: joeychengbulay
