Two Thumbs Up for my Confinement Lady, Serene


New Member
Two Thumbs Up for my Confinement Lady, Serene

My confinement lady is definately one of the few CL who is worth recommending!!

She is a great cook!! She cooked a wide variety of confinement food for me and lunchs + dinners for my daughters who fell in love with her cooking too!! She offer great help!! She took very good care of me and baby. In addition, she guided my daughters in their homeworks!!

She is indeed full of experiences. She shared alot of her knowledges from post birth health tips to look after myself to baby sitting tips to take good care of my baby!! Although I have a maid, she still do some of the housechores especially those related to baby which she took the opportunity to train my maid at the same time.

As Serene is doing freelance for herself.. I personally think she deserved my recommendation here. Most importantly.. I want to help new mother and baby to have this wonderful CL to take care of them as much as she have taken care of us.

You can contact Serene directly 97511169 to book her as your confinement lady. You may also wish to bring up my name, Lynn Tan whom she did my confinement from 6 Jun 11 to 4 Jul 11 at Changi.
