Ovulation or not?


New Member
Hello! So I’m just wondering if I’ve ovulated. Would appreciate your kind advice. Below is my BBT taken in the morning, daily at 7am.

CD7 - 36.20 degree Celsius (Period Just ended)
CD8 - 36.15 degree Celsius
CD9 - 36.06 degree Celsius
CD10 - 36.00 degree Celsius (Positive for OPK)
CD11 - 36.10 degree Celsius (Positive for OPK)
CD12 - 36.26 degree Celsius (Still positive for OPK)

I’m using the ClearBlue OPK, and have been getting Positive results in CD 10 until CD 12. Is this normal?

I’m guessing that I probably ovulated on CD10 as my BBT dips to 36.00 degree Celsius.

However, I don’t see a spike in BBT the following day. It was a mere 0.1 degree Celsius increase.

That got me worried as I am worried that I may not have ovulated for this month. FYI, my past cycles for month of June, Jul, Aug and Sept are 35, 26, 25 and 28 days respectively .

Any advice? Or what are your personal experiences? Have I ovulated or have I not? P.S I won’t be able to take my BBT tomorrow morning as I would be on a midnight flight for 12 hours tonight.

thank you in advance!
