Leapfrog Learning DVD *Back by Popular Demand*

Hi Twinkle24, I have a cd of Your Baby Can Read....highly recommended for ages 3 months to 5 years 0ld
and a Leap Frog dvd title Phonics Farms for ages 2-5 years old...price $10.00 each and postage of $1.00
for ordinary mail...let me know if you are keen ya!
Hihi mummies...new stocks arrived!

Limited stocks available, left the following titles:

1. Leapfrog - Let's Go to School SGD 10.00
2. Leapfrog - Math Adventures to the Moon SGD 10.00
3. Leapfrog - Number Ahoy SGD 10.00
4. Leapfrog - Phonics Farm SGD 10.00

Let me know if you're keen ya...Thks!
hi buttercup, are the below 3 titles still available?
1. Leapfrog - Phonics Farm SGD 10.00
2. Leapfrog - Math Adventures to the Moon SGD 10.00
3. Leapfrog - Number Ahoy SGD 10.00
Please confirm amt to transfer soon, thank you.
hi ive got number ahoy. issit similar to Number Land?
Also wan to order : Leapfrog - Phonics Farm SGD 10.00.

Please advise. Thanks!
would like to get these if available ready stock:
1. Leapfrog - Phonics Farm SGD 10.00 -2x
2. Leapfrog - Math Adventures to the Moon SGD 10.00- 1x
3. Leapfrog - Number Ahoy SGD 10.00 - 1x
Hi do you still have stock?

1. Leapfrog - Let's Go to School SGD 10.00
2. Leapfrog - Math Adventures to the Moon SGD 10.00
3. Leapfrog - Number Ahoy SGD 10.00
4. Leapfrog - Phonics Farm SGD 10.00

Pls PM me to confirm
Do you still have stock for below?
1. Leapfrog - Let's Go to School SGD 10.00
2. Leapfrog - Math Adventures to the Moon SGD 10.00
3. Leapfrog - Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park SGD 10.00
4. Leapfrog - Number Ahoy SGD 10.00
5. Leapfrog - Number Land SGD 10.00
6. Leapfrog - Phonics Farm SGD 10.00
