Games For Babies And parents


New Member
Games are fun for all but for the babies it is also a way of learning and developing. These games can be simple and silly, but they still will make the baby aware about the world around him. Also spending time and watching your babies being all cute while playing with them is just a treat for parents. Here are some games you can play with your baby.

Peek-a-boo: one of the most famous and easiest baby games is peek-a-boo. Just hide your face behind your hands and then move it away. Babies don’t realize that your actually just right there they are so surprised and fascinated by this act.

Copycat: If your baby is just blabbering and making baby sounds just imitate them. This helps them develop communicating skills and also the babies realize you are having fun with them and enjoying their company.

Sing and dance: Babies love music and grooving to music just picking them up and dancing with them or just paying the music and letting them figure out their own moves. Singing and dancing with your baby will help you bond with your baby.

Food games: There are many games you can introduce with food as well color feeding, messy eating, edible colors etc these games help in building a good relation between the food and the baby. Also, these games help in making the baby capable of self-feeding.
hey parents it will be great if you all could suggest some great baby food brand option that can be incorporated in the food games.
play with them when they are active, don't disturb them when they are sleeping. Let them play with toys but also see to it that they are not putting that inside their mouth. be careful about that thing.
