fussy & slower eater???


New Member
Hi Mummies,

Really need ur precious advice!! My lo is 9 mths old (he is born prematurely on 34week) however first few mths his growth was pretty good.. Recently on his 8th mth onwards he doesnt drink much milk (fully breastmilk) each feed less than or abt 120ml only... i cooked porridge for him everyday as well but after 3 to 4 mouthful he starts pushing the spoon away... should i give him some appetite booster? What are the brands recommended?

TIA mummies!!
Actually at 9 months old, drinking 120 ml milk is okay. Solids meals should be 3 meals a day with snacks in between.

Try to feed her water in between her food. Try metal teaspoon to feed. Try serving food cold. Try sing song to her. Go back to basic food like single food, try not to mix food. These are things that I've tried.
We find that my child eats if we feed him with the hand ! Also, try changing the taste of the porridge. Also, you can give fresh fruit juices made at home.
