. : Extra Marital Relationship 宿世姻缘与出轨 : .

Those PRCs women are everywhere in Singapore. In the form of prostitutes, 陪读妈妈,married to a Singapore man, but still have affairs with local men.
Not matter what, 一个男人不检点,就不要赖在女人身上.

那些搞婚外情的男人,希望你们不得好死. 死远一点,不要连累家人.
Dear Jolyon, thanks for your sharing. It opens my mind about such issues. Are u able to advise on where to learn the 經文, how do 回向 to clear our 冤凊债主?
Many PRCs are wracking up families and relationships in Singapore. They come in to Singapore through all means as phantom workers or even students... Can't there be anything to be done to stop them from coming?
Sadly .... no.

I am not critical or trying to be rude. The ba zi thingey is contradictory to me. If ba zi no good why did two people come together? Due to fate? If it's fated, then what has it gotta do with ba zi?

If you are born with good ba zi, then whatever shit you do is always shun shun one.

I believe more in fate and destiny than all these ba zi. No matter what you do, you cannot change fate. But you can do things to yourself to improve your overall well-being. Like one of the forumers, Moorspa, once advised in another thread. She is strong, she accepted her life, and she improve without the need of her unfaithful husband.

My husband once told me ... 不要怪我对你不好,要怪就怪你的命不好,嫁的不好.

I admit I am not perfect, but I have been a good, dutiful wife and mother to my kids. Even my husband admit that, but still he womanise.

But on the other hand, there are other things that are more 顺 for me. Only that my marriage is no good. I have tried my best, but there are still many women outside to tempt men, and men are ever-so-ready willing parties to accept them?

You think that after telling these cheapo men that you have 踩到烂桃花,they will stop. No way!

One can seek inner peace on one's own. Just learn to accept that this is your life, this is your fate, your destiny. Once you learn to accept things are what they are, you will learn to let go.
Dear Madam Michilin (michilin),

The problem already exist. Government long knew but there's no definite solution to stop these PRC women from entering Singapore unless they have criminal record in China or Singapore.

Singapore is still giving free PR like water until today. Singapore is the first and only country in the world offering free permanent residency for aliens. The 7 millions population white paper passed through earlier this year, despite many of us protested.
Nonetheless, there is big event tomorrow to be held at Hong Lim Park!

Anyway, those being repatriated will be marked. Particularly, those who were caught illegal prostituting while on social visitor/student visa will forever be blacklisted. One thing is guaranteed that these blacklistees are unable to get Singapore P.R. not matter how hard they tried.

However, a person being blacklisted by ICA may not be a deterrence against a blacklistee from entering Singapore.

Still, there is a possible way which may able to cause them (referring to PRC people) blacklisted and it is ICA discretion not to disclose anything. I am afraid PR holders are even more difficult to deal and MHA has never been executing any revokcation of PR status to anybody after Ex-SIA Captain Ryan Goh incident.

May be, mummies should file a petition for revokcation of PR identity against those interfere marriage/family before Year 2016 election.

The above reliable source is from my school cohort who finished his scholarship bond with M.H.A
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Dear Madam piscean33 (piscean33),


回向可以有很多方式。不同经有不同的功效。不知道你是哪方面呢? 不必说出来,只要知道最终的目的就行了。


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Diana (september) May 01, 2013 - 12:33 am
R u a fortune teller?


In this forum, I am voluntarily helping single, poor mummies and married couples.




在外面找人是收费的,这里咨询完全免费。呵呵 ...
Of course, provided I am free.
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Dear Jolyon,

Seems that you are pretty well versed in this area. I have not get my bazi interpreted before. How are you able to help?
o...i see....I hv try a few fortune teller before but nt all are spot on.....and I like to meet tat person face to face to hv my fortune tell ;p

问:Husband has unwanted blossom, how to get rid?

答:我知道很多太太心急要想办法赶走狐狸精、或者不要老公滥交或到处找女人。然而,采取法律行动对付狐狸精是有一定的帮助。但是,这治标不治本。因为,丈夫始终沉迷于女色或者男人。最后,妇女们逼于无奈走向三条路 <font face="symbol">Þ</font> 离婚、接受、自杀。


第一. 旁门左道(Taoism/Thai/Islamic sorcery)几乎99%有效。丈夫会回心转意,夫妇感情起死回生大有可望。
(1) 收费不便宜。不可轻易亲信,因为骗财骗色太多了。
(2) 本人吃长素,从不鼓励使用旁门左道。即使,丈夫真的要离开妻儿,是夫妇前世的缘以及先辈的业。妻子或者丈夫若对不起配偶,有他/她会面对因果。丈夫不信因果,继续迷恋美色,寻花问柳,子孙得承受报应。


第二. 家居风水。这方面不见得的有效。

夫妇生不出孩子、家人无故发疯、身体常不适、常常发生意外 - 在家居/祖坟风水学可以做出调整。风水不是万能的。怎么说呢?比如:家里给人看了风水,布了“发大财”格局,主人不做工游手好闲,吃喝嫖赌成性,财神爷关顾这家人才怪!

第三. 老婆要倒追老公、离开新加坡到另一个地方生活。以易经六四卦,取之“砍”桃花的特象。在机缘巧合之下,曾看过一、两个成功例子。

第四. 最没有人做的、最没有人相信、最没不受欢迎、最令人讨厌的,就是“念经”。念经回向非常耗时、对很多人来说非常不耐烦。

坚决要维持婚姻,把狐狸精弄走,真的要下定决心念经作功课。Definitly, no short cut. 婚姻的裂痕修复,就好像time consuming anti-cancer treatment。念经即是同样道理,需要时间来偿还,心急看不到效果。
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Dear Jolyon,
I'm thinking of 经文 for general. Mainly to clear all "debts", work towards 再生極樂世界. But don't know which organization to join and learn? Thanks!
Dear Mrs Thomas ,

Sorry for the late reply. I have been busy with work as well as answering queries on 注生娘娘 thread. 1 2

Younger generation before marriage 不管三七二十一,after marriage 要闹离婚出了问题才来看八字,未免太迟了吧?


Thank you for your trust providing your detail! See edited bazi picture below:


男命 - 日元强


女命 - 日元偏弱

1. 女命(妻子)吸引男命(丈夫)因为丈夫缺‘水’、‘木’
2. 男命(丈夫)吸引女命(妻子)因为妻子缺‘火’、‘土’





1. 青春时期,异性缘不错。
2. 个方面人缘佳,甚至也有贵人缘。一生当中,不论出了什么大大小小的事,都有人帮忙。
3. 工作运佳!不折不扣的工作狂。
4. 特别爱面子。
5. 容易产生精神压力。
6. 照顾人,是个好人。

1. 真的很有钱!
2. Management, systematic, 办事能力强!
3. 人缘(人脉关系特佳)。
4. 如果有疾病的话,得注意阴虚不足、肾脏、膀胱、尿道、痔疮等等。2017年以后,身体状况走下坡。
5. 今年开始有外遇倾向。

第一. 妻子个方面都好,却与夫家的关系不和。
第二. 夫妻双方都会和另一半吵架的迹象。
第三. 最大原因是孩子的问题!丈夫基因不错,有条件生出贵子。要是他在外面找到小三给他生的话,那就不妙了。

结婚的时候,就要赶快了生。怎么拖到这个时候呢?其实,你是受到各方面的困扰,才产生精神压力!我说的没错吧?关于你自己、老公、夫家的关系、生育等各方面我都指出来了。从三大方面用心着手一一解决,就能看得到曙光。我在命理能帮助你就只有这么多。To be frank, I am afraid marriage counseling is not going to help because s/he can't see real indepth between both of you.


第一 看风水调理居家/环境磁场(要花钱,而且又要找到有料的)那些刊登大广告的就要小心了。
第二 下定决心吃斋念佛,缓和一切(信不信由你)

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Hi Jolyon,
Read many of your post. Find it really valuable and your friendly advise does help me understand more about 因果,佛。。等。。

When I was young, born in an avg family with 8 children. There's no such believe in getting our 8zi to create our name. Dad is the only one that gave us all our name.

Recently, I am so concern over my eldest sister situation. She's the eldest daughter in the family. Age 51. All the while I feel that she doesn't has any 好姻缘。




Dear Jolyn,

I need advise on my marriage. I tried to using 紫微斗数 myself but I dont understand it at all. I also wanna to go let fortune tellers see but I'm afraid I may went to a con one.

Could you please help and advise me? I dont know why Buddha/God always choose me to go thru extra affairs on my marriages? I really want my marriage and wanna to protect my kids from been single family too.
Dear Jolyon - i hope to get me n my husband's bazi interpreted too. aprpeciate if you can advise what information do you need? We are going through a very rough patch, with finance, his affair and most probably a divorce. I hope i can still save this marriage for we have 2 kids.
Bless (mumagain), May 16, 2013 - 12:56 pm
When I was young, born in an avg family with 8 children. There's no such believe in getting our 8zi to create our name. Dad is the only one that gave us all our name.

Bless (mumagain), May 16, 2013 - 12:56 pm
Recently, I am so concern over my eldest sister situation. She's the eldest daughter in the family. Age 51. All the while I feel that she doesn't has any 好姻缘。

Bless (mumagain), May 16, 2013 - 12:56 pm


Bless (mumagain), May 16, 2013 - 12:56 pm


Bless (mumagain), May 16, 2013 - 12:56 pm

她若醒悟,跳出小筐筐还是有的救。就像新加坡Changi Prison释放出来的囚犯,有不少持着洗心革面的念头。犯人面壁思过,强迫他接受环境的改变,自然有正面的影响,重新开始。

‘停止她再一次的伤害’ - 恐怕阻止不了。必须由她本人觉悟才行。即使不用命理解剖,旁观者略懂将会有什么事发生的话,你说能帮得了吗?
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Mummybaby2 (mummybaby2), May 17, 2013 - 1:55 pm
I tried to using 紫微斗数 myself but I dont understand it at all. I also wanna to go let fortune tellers see but I'm afraid I may went to a con one.​


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Mummybaby2 (mummybaby2), May 17, 2013 - 1:55 pm
Could you please help and advise me? I dont know why Buddha/God always choose me to go thru extra affairs on my marriages? I really want my marriage and wanna to protect my kids from been single family too.

CL (70starz), May 17, 2013 - 2:45 pm</font>
i hope to get me n my husband's bazi interpreted too. aprpeciate if you can advise what information do you need? We are going through a very rough patch, with finance, his affair and most probably a divorce. I hope i can still save this marriage for we have 2 kids.


一. 离婚收场,一拍两散
二. 无婚姻生活,继续住在一起或者分开住
三. 等待破镜重圆时机
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Dear Jolyon,

I would like to know more about myself. I have been trying to read but still not very clear. Are you able to help me? Thanks
Dear Jolyon,
Thanks for your reply. 其实,最难的就在于“觉悟”或“觉醒”。要怎么做才能让一个人觉醒呢?恐怕没这个药方吧。

as much as we still need to choose a path, perhaps we can see some light (whether we have chosen to get our bazi intepretated late or early, its too late to debate over it.) But since you offer the service, i am keen to find out what is with the bazi for me n my husband.
Hi Jolyon,

I wanna know 世上真的有因果报应?

I know some ppl break up ppl marriages or purposely come to destroy their marriage and end up the couple have scars in their marriage.

Some even come up with lies to tell the wives that is false and makes the wife goes berserk.

Why aren't they getting retribution?
Dear Jolyon,

Based on your quote below earlier, I would appreciate if you could enlighten how to go about doing it.

Still, there is a possible way which may able to cause them (referring to PRC people) blacklisted and it is ICA discretion not to disclose anything. I am afraid PR holders are even more difficult to deal and MHA has never been executing any revokcation of PR status to anybody after Ex-SIA Captain Ryan Goh incident.

Thank you.
Bless (mumagain) May 20, 2013 - 11:29 am

Bless (mumagain) May 16, 2013 - 12:56 pm
就因为这段情,姐过了好长一段时间(3/4年)才走出来。</u>过后的10多年来,我觉得她过得还算不错。无忧无虑,一个人过日子。多半是和朋友们或姐妹们相聚。自花自挣的钱。然而,就在去年,她却认识了一个大她3岁离过婚的男人 ... ...

Bless (mumagain) May 20, 2013 - 11:29 am

除此之外,她不肯帮自己摆脱他,家人怎么帮得了她呢? 除非,是她意力坚定,决定要她甩他。


第一. 等时间‘自救’(自觉反省)。
第二. 等时机‘了解虐缘’。
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CL (70starz) May 20, 2013 - 11:29 am
as much as we still need to choose a path, perhaps we can see some light (whether we have chosen to get our bazi intepretated late or early, its too late to debate over it.)
You are right. I agree.

CL (70starz) May 20, 2013 - 11:29 am
But since you offer the service,
帮也帮不完,实在太多了。我迫不得已得temporary disable private messaging. Very often, I received mummies seeking for help.



Mummybaby2 (mummybaby2) May 18, 2013 - 7:43 am
I would like to know more about myself. I have been trying to read but still not very clear. Are you able to help me? Thanks

CL (70starz) May 20, 2013 - 11:29 am
i am keen to find out what is with the bazi for me n my husband.

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Windy (whitewindy) May 20, 2013 - 3:21 pm
I wanna know 世上真的有因果报应?
I know some ppl break up ppl marriages or purposely come to destroy their marriage and end up the couple have scars in their marriage.
Some even come up with lies to tell the wives that is false and makes the wife goes berserk.
100%肯定有! The word "karma" is not restricted to Buddhism. 实际上,很多宗教有谈起‘业报’。


‘报应’交由上天安排。蓄意拆散、恶搞破坏、劝人离婚这等都在“等时间”,差别就在于轻或重罢了。甚至,marriage counsellor乱给提议,害夫妇离婚,下场好不到哪里去。

I have contributed a number of posts (与报应有关) :

Post Number: 233 (last paragraph)
Post Number: 165 (near last paragraph)
Post Number: 169
Post Number: 216
Post Number: 253 (last few paragraph)

Windy (whitewindy) May 20, 2013 - 3:21 pm
Why aren't they getting retribution?

果报时辰未到罢了! 好报、恶报不会那么快现出来的。报应马上到的话,天下太平了喔。就算对方的报应来了,也不会通知你。

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Michilin (michilin) May 20, 2013 - 4:44 pm</font>
Based on your quote below earlier, I would appreciate if you could enlighten how to go about doing it.
You want me to disclose here?

You need to have FIN number of the other party first. Also, with husband's and wife's identity card (photocopy of I.C)
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Dear Madam Tan,



男命 - 日元弱


女命 - 日元强

1. 受欢迎!
2. 说话很过分。很爱撒谎。是非多。
3. 家里会因为丈夫有外遇事件而给你(妻子)压力,可是丈夫是个很会说谎的男人,也不会认错
4. 妻子有帮夫运
5. 丈夫自私
6. 丈夫决定的事情很难去改变,因为他是很固执的人
7. 很难去左右丈夫的决定,因为他真的讲不听
8. 对外,工作能力强(今年不错)
9. 对内,在家有点点懒
10. 脾气暴躁。


1. 外表长得蛮漂亮 - 男人女人都要多看你几眼。
2. 朋友多!贵人多!当你遇到问题的时候,帮忙你的人会出现。还有,桃花多!还没结婚之前,追求者超多!
3. 非常注重家庭 - 你若不注重家庭,我才懒得理。
4. 感情上常有问题 - 还没有结婚之前,早就有这种烦恼了。
5. 家里问题影响 - 很多问题都是从家里发生的。你自己想看看。
6. 赚钱困难 - 钱从你口袋出去快,是不是总觉得钱进口袋很慢呢?
7. 常为人劳心劳力- 你的钱每次花在别人身上。
8. 工作是非多 - 少说话,安静最好
9. 对丈夫不错 - 只是你丈夫不知道。
10.稍微有情绪化 - 好好控制你自己



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Hi Jolyon,

I have some problems but I do not wish to disclose here.

Would you mind pm me so I can ask as for some advice?

Thanks in advance.

For my case, there isn't any more argument. The husband chose to move out, his heart is bent on not staying in the marriage. We are in this situation since Feb, so you see its been months. Probably there is no 3rd party at the moment, i manage to drive her out of the equation, but it does not solve things between us. Thus, i am curious to see what is with the bazi, my husband has been keeping things to himself for very long.
Dear Jolyon,
Need your help to help me understand more about my son's condition. Please PM me when you are free to help. Thanks.
Jolyon,possible to check is my hubby has few times of 犯桃花劫?can I PM u his birth date details?
hi jolyon,

previously when i went to Taiwan for holiday with my gf. there's this shop selling "tian lu" . they calculated my name and his name.they said he will always has "xiao san" (means 3rd party) issues.

My marriage was in crisis that time (last year). we were in the mist of filing divorce and during the final stage, i backed out and decided to give him and our marriage another chance.

i seriously have no faith and very scared and since i make this choice, i will try my best.

i read that 念经回向 would help ? can u enlighten me how ?
I see that there is alot of Mummy is asking Jolyn to help.

Actually, here is my personal take....

I have learn basic fengshui, face reading and BaZhi. How many of the so-called masters out there can learn and put to practice what they learn and put it to a test..

I myself did it. I am a walking testimontial. I am selecting a Bazhi for my #3. I selected a house myself and foreseeing the things to happen in the months to come. I take my friends house and life to see. I help them choose a good house to stay. I can even predict what can happen to my friends in the coming month. Let them be my testimontial, let them do the talking that my theories worked and not hearsay nor buying of items.

Face Reading - the power of understanding one's character upon first meet up. In business, you would have to be very careful of scheming person. In making friends, you know who are real and fake.

For more info, please see the website: http://www.artofeasternscience.com/

Or you may wish to PM me and I will answer to all your queries at night when my kids are sleeping.
mumofT (mumoft) May 29, 2013 - 5:16 pm
previously when i went to Taiwan for holiday with my gf. there's this shop selling "tian lu" . <u>they calculated my name and his name.they said he will always has "xiao san" (means 3rd party) issues.

mumofT (mumoft) May 29, 2013 - 5:16 pm
i read that 念经回向 would help ? can u enlighten me how ?
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Joctk (joctk) June 04, 2013 - 12:30 pm
so I can ask for some advice?
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自己因工作忙,来求助的不少,老师只能簺选,迫不得已disabled private messaging.


unmeltablesweet (unmeltablesweet) June 04, 2013 - 3:37 pm
How many of the so-called masters out there can learn and put to practice what they learn and put it to a test..

unmeltablesweet (unmeltablesweet) June 04, 2013 - 3:37 pm
For more info, please see the website: ... ...
看得出你在打广告。服务不是免费。Consultation cost money!




See next post below.
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Jolyn - understand probably you are attending to many matters, but like many others i hope to salvage my family for the sake of my children too, i hope its never too late. appreciate your advise.
CL (70starz) June 05, 2013 - 3:40 pm</font>
understand probably you are attending to many matters, but like many others i hope to salvage my family for the sake of my children too, i hope its never too late. appreciate your advise.

You've wasted 3-4 months. Otherwise, you can do something to ‘salvage’relationship.

你要看到有变化,就只有准备吃素念经。I mentioned in post no. 327 (click here)

你希望能看得到专机,得要下苦功。No short cut, 路艰难。得照老师的指示作。你肯吗?
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CL (70starz) June 05, 2013 - 3:40 pm
understand probably you are attending to many matters, but like many others i hope to salvage my family for the sake of my children too, i hope its never too late. appreciate your advise

Husband [男命]

男命 -
1. 健康运差。
2. 猪朋狗友一堆, 对朋友很好。
3. 有钱有小三,没钱小三自然离去。
4. 人缘很好,有桃花。
5. 多两年会不一样,他走好运。
6. 脾气很臭!
7. 铁扫命、花童命、二婚命。(不是好事)
8. 一生起落幅度大。好事坏事统统,不断的来。
9. 天机坐命的人,感情易生变化,很容易被外界影响。第‘三只手’非常明显。
10. 注重孩子。



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