Dealing with joint pain


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm posting here on behalf of my wife. She is right now in her 5th month of pregnancy. She visits KK hospital for her scan and gyno checkup.

Today after doing some walking she started to experience severe joint pain near to her pubic region on just one leg.

The pain appears appears when she widens her stance beyond a certain amount. She now walks with some difficulty.

I'm hoping the pain will go away within the next few days and the situation will right itself. However if it doesn't I read on the internet that painkillers/physiotherapy/chiropractics may be necessary.

I'd appreciate some advice on how to deal with this situation. If physiotherapy is necessary is it better to do it at KK or somewhere else?

I am experiencing this too but apparently its part of the pregnancy. I have this on my right side. There is nothing can be done till she give birth and it will go away. Just have to wear flat shoes. And not flip flop from my experience la. Lots of rest in between walks and if she starts to feel the mild pain, find a place to sit and massage the bone for 10 mins. It will go away but after walking for 20 mins.. it will be back again. So that means its time to head home.
Maybe the baby is leaning towards a nerve for that leg. Try stretching exercises for the leg and/or a maternity support belt that will help her lift the baby and get off the nerve.
Joint pain during pregnancy is normal but if the pain becomes debilitating, you may need to see both a gynae and rheumatologist. I would recommend Dr Leong Keng Hong at Gleneagles.
Congratulations on your pregnancy journey! I'm sorry to hear about your wife's discomfort. Considering her unique situation, I recommend consulting Dr. Leong Keng Hong. His expertise in pregnancy-related joint issues could provide valuable insights. You might want to discuss the symptoms with him and explore options such as physiotherapy or other suitable treatments. Seeking specialized advice tailored to your wife's condition is crucial for a safe and comfortable pregnancy.
Last year, I experienced joint pain, and I tried various home remedies and over-the-counter pain relievers, but nothing seemed to provide relief. I decided to visit Dr. Sean Ng to seek help. He actively listened to my concerns and answered all my questions. He discussed various treatment options with me, and it reassured me that I had finally found relief for my problem.
