Comments about Spree Organizers


New Member
<font size="+2">Comments about spree organizers :</font>
You can submit both good and bad comments about organizers using this form :;formkey=dGh0MmxodkI2QTdfeUlVTDVPdjNBWEE6MA

View the spreadsheet here :;hl=en

Note that you can click File -> Download as -> Excel to download a copy of the file and sort it according to the names. There are now over 150 entries.
I cannot give permission to sort the names for viewers.
Do read all the comments regarding each organizer, there may be both good and bad comments for the same person

i wonder can make a comments abt spreeist? I used to org spree, met lots of good mummies off cause but do met some very nusty one and I even received e-mail with treatening words.
Cannot seem to open the file either. Any way to pm me. Will really help since I am pretty new to this.
<font color="aa00aa">Archive Part 1 - 2010:;output=html</font>

<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
