
hi Diamonds Mum,

pradasari is the brand name or product name?

i am staying in east side. but cant find any malay shops in my area. u know of any? Thanks!
Pradasari is the Brand Name, below the brand name they have Susu (milk) or other type. Try the milk one first, its very smooth.

If you are in Tampines get it from 201 A, B, C or D, I don't know which one, but its the Malay shop next to 7 Eleven (about 3 doors away).

Try it, very good. Am still using it. Will scrap when I have important event like wedding dinner etc.

Try Dr Wu skin care Product, very good for me.
Dior skin flash helps to make yr face looks radiant . I always received lots of complement.
After Sun block, use concealer & skin flash to cover dark circles & mark. That's it, no powder at all. Only use loose powder when got formal dinner .
