1. C

    Survey for New Mums/Mums-to-be

    Hello! I am currently in my final year of study and I need to gather information on preferences of new mums/mums-to-be. If you have the time, do help me fill this quick survey up! Thank you :) https://forms.gle/4xps1DzyxDZZKAYbA
  2. C

    Recommend good gynae in KKH or NUH for hysteroscopy surgery

    Hi, I am diagnosed with a polyp in my uterine at gleneagles and has decided to go for the polyp removal but the cost is way too high for me. Any recommendation for a gynae from KKH or NUH who is good in uterine polyp removal procedure ? I want to conceive eventually but the polyp maybe the...
  3. J

    2021 mums with twins/multiples

    Hi ladies, hope to know more 2021 multiples mummies to share the journey together :)
  4. D

    Feb 2021

    Hi, Is there any groupchat for Feb 2021? I know it's too early i guess. My EDD 3rd Feb.
