Search results

  1. M

    Please Do Not Engage This Confinement Nanny - LIM SIEW THYE (贞/珍姐)

    (3) Bad attitude She has a terrible work attitude. Lazy, rude, defensive, and irresponsible. I was going through my baby’s bag after a visit to the PD to search for some medicine that the PD prescribed for my baby. She immediately bit at me and said in an impatient tone, “What are you looking...
  2. M

    Please Do Not Engage This Confinement Nanny - LIM SIEW THYE (贞/珍姐)

    I just delivered my second boy in early July 2023. A month before in June, the original confinement nanny (Jenny Yap - 芬姨) whom i engaged earlier informed that she fell from the stairs and cracked her kneecap bone. She recommended her cousin (Lim Siew Thye - 贞/珍姐) who was also a confinement...
  3. M

    Babysitter (Rivervale st)

    Hi ! We are considering getting a babysitter. Feel free to private message me here
  4. M

    Any first time daddy here?

    Congrats to you ! First time dad here and im super excited too. Enjoy your fatherhood journey !
  5. M

    Part Time Cleaner

    Hi, can share contacts please ? We live in Sengkang and would like to engage her on a weekly basis
  6. M

    Amazon Spree (Dreamz) - CGW/Free Shipping (PP/Kovan/Bishan/TPY)

    Hi Dreamz, I would like to order the following: 1. Regenepure DR - Hair & Scalp Treatment Qty : 3 Price : $24.00 Total : 3 items Total...
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    Amazon Spree (Dreamz) - CGW/Free Shipping (PP/Kovan/Bishan/TPY)

    Hi Dreamz, Transfer for $131.50 has been done. Please kindly check. Date/time: 01/22 21:53 Ref: 0027
  8. M

    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    Hi there, I would like to order the following please : Name: Eeyore Plush Pillow URL: Qty: 1 Price: 29.95 Total = 29.95*0.75* 1.28 = 28.75
  9. M

    Amazon Spree (Dreamz) - CGW/Free Shipping (PP/Kovan/Bishan/TPY)

    Hi Dreamz, I would like to order following please: Collection: Potong Pasir 1) Qty: 1 Price: $45 2)...
