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  1. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi all, may i know what kind of supplements and multivits you are taking and can we get it from pharmacy? Right now, i am only on folic acid and baby aspirin as told by the doc. I went to see Prof Biswas after my 2nd mc and was told to do a blood test. He didn't brief me on my results and just...
  2. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    sometimes i wonder.. how did the women in the olden days or those farmers in china rural areas give birth to healthy babies without any "jin bu" as we now emphasize so much about. Was it really the stress we are facing now or maybe even the food we eat? As much as I am trying to stay positive, i...
  3. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi bibi, no medication prescribed to me. i guess my gynae didn't want me to wait further fear of infection as i only went back to him about a mth after my d&c. Went for another d&c the next day to clear up. Did your gynae scan you? you shld be able to see a clot if there is any. For...
  4. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Bibi Gd you found out earlier. After my D&C, i didn't go back for follow up as I thot this was my 2nd MC and I knew what to expect. I went back to my gynae about 1 mth later as my period seems to come on and off. We found out that I had blood clot and I have to undergo another D&C...
  5. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi bibi, did your chinese doc refer you for further womb scanning at another gynae? I heard many successful cases after that but i still didn't go ahead as I knew the charges were much too high for me to bear and i didnt want to go thru any further surgery. I am not too comfy with her too so am...
  6. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi doggie, actually i had myself to blame, i didn't go for followup after my d&c as i thought i already knew what to expect after my 1st D&C. i didnt know that clots could happen.. stupid me! As for the chinese physician, my mum fren's daughter suffered pain during her AF, the...
  7. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi does anyone here have blood clot after D&C? I had my 1st D&C in Nov 09 then 2nd D&C in March 10, both due to no bb heartbeat in 7 wks My AF came in end April till now, lasting for about 3 wks. Went to the doc and was told i had blood clot in my womb hence the prolonged...
  8. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Thks Ling for the info. This infact my 2nd D&C since last Nov. I couldn't believe it happened to me again! Went to TCM and was told probably didn't do any confinement after my first MC and should have waited longer to ttc again. After reading some of the posts here, i understand probably...
  9. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, i just did a D&C on Mon. My gyno told me to avoid chicken for the time being, anyone of you had that advice too? I went to TCM to buy some herbs for mini confinement and the herbs were supposed to cook with chicken. So rite now, i dunno whether can start the TCM or not..
  10. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi, pls remove me from the table as i was told confirmed MC this morning. It's my 2nd MC since last Nov [IMG=] I pray for all mtbs here a smooth pregnancy journey and delivery.
  11. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hello Snoopy, glad to see someone my age.. haha.. otherwise not only i the oldest, i am also the shortest leh =6 But i don't have my own child yet, hope i can see a heartbeat this weekend like you.. so gancheong leh..
  12. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi Etelle, in fact my gynae told me other than pineapples, all other fruits can eat lor..i guess in moderation [IMG=] I eat dragonfruit because it really helps to ease my bowels.
  13. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi Tiffy, i eat the dragonfruit on alternate days lor. In fact i only hooked on the fruit recently and was quite surprised when i saw the "seedy" poo too =P My hubby dislike it coz he said it's tasteless but i find it sweet leh..
  14. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Melissa, thx for your kind words! I am sure your kids have all the best from you [IMG=] I will learn to close my ears around such people. I know they meant no harm but they should really go attend some EQ courses. I am actually quite...
  15. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    ya, i really super sleepy, keep yawning and headache. hope no one notice how tired and slow i have been lately, didn't tell anyone in office yet. Been stealing time to drop by here since boss out for some errands, it keeps me awake at least.. i just don't feel like working. Btw, the one...
  16. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    starrymommy, i was given the same instructions too tho i didn't ask why =P No complaints from my hubby so far, guess it's because i always seemed to doze off much earlier than he did =9 The only thing i cant stand about him is that the pail of clothes had been there for 2 wks and he is expecting...
  17. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB too fast..My hubby scolded me for spending too much time on fb, i played fb games like RC, PS, FT and so on lor.. so i am definitely immature for my age lor.. =6 re:stats Melissa 62kg 1.57m Tiffy 53kg 1.6m Paws68 50kg 1.55
  18. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi Tiffy, u r right.. as long as heart is young =D In fact i think i am bit immature for my age lor.. coz i still like cute stuff.. hello kitty stuff and so on.. Forgot to add, i also chase the korean show cruel temptation. I chase it on the website.. free mah.. but i always fell zzzz...
  19. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    wah.. looks like i am the oldest here leh.. i am hitting the big 40s very soon =6 I was with my hubby for 10 yrs but I was one of those who didn't want to get married and no children. Anyway i got married couple of yrs back as my hubby was stressed by his parents and peers. When i had MC few...
  20. P

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Clare I am sorry to hear that. Do take good care. My next appt is in 2 wks time and i am also a bit worried too due to my previous MC and i don't experience much MS or other symptoms which u MTBs described. I didn't know MC can be so common till i came across this site. The people I knew...
