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  1. L

    Gynae Recommendations for PCOS

    Hi, do you mind to share what type of investigation and treatment plan did Dr Marilyn Lee do for you, and what were her rates?
  2. L

    Gynae Recommendations for PCOS

    Hello! From what I know, there's no medicine or procedure to "treat" PCOS, seeing a gynae will only get you on hormonal birth control (HBC) to control the PCOS symptoms such as acne, hair loss and excess hair growth. HBC also suppresses ovulation and causes the cervix to age faster. Highly...
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    Looking for other alternative to conceive

    How long have you been trying? It's normal for a perfectly healthy couple to take up to 12 months to conceive. If you are below 35, you can see a doctor for fertility check up after 12 months of trying. If you are above 35, see a doctor after 6 months of trying. The check up can help to...
  4. L

    TTC. Currently using ovulation kits.

    There's actually no real benefit of using an app to check the "darkness" or progression of the test line... OPK strips are either positive (test line is equally dark or darker than control line), or negative (test line is lighter than control line), and this can be judged visually.
  5. L

    Any recommended exercise to stay fit during TTC? (to replace from running)

    Hi, I don't think there's any correlation between exercise and fertility, other than hypothalamic amenorrhea which is when you stop getting periods because the amount of calories that you consume is much less than what your physical activity requires. Imho, exercise program "for fertility" is...
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    TTC. Currently using ovulation kits.

    It depends on individual, some may see a progression, some may not. I used to test using FMU (first morning urine) and saw a slight progression, it was slightly darker and almost positive around 1-2 days before finally turning positive. Sometimes did not see any progression at all and it would...
  7. L

    TTC. Currently using ovulation kits.

    How long are your cycles typically? You will usually ovulate 10-16 days before the start of your period. A positive ovulation test is when the test line is equally dark or darker than the test line. Your photos above are all negative results. The time you take the test also matters. LH rises...
  8. L

    Using ovulation kit helps?

    Are your cycles regular? Usually people ovulate 10-16 days before menses. Eg, if your cycle is 28 days long, you may ovulate between day 12 to 18. You just need one try between O-3 to O-1, these 3 dates are the dates with highest success rates. You can count backwards and have sex starting at...
  9. L

    Using ovulation kit helps?

    Hi, most people ovulate 1-2 days after a positive OPK. If you have sex on the day of the positive OPK, you've most likely maxed out your chances for that cycle. That being said, it's also possible to ovulate before a positive OPK and up to a few days after, you can see the data below. Before...
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    On and off TTC , start all over again ?

    You don't have to start all over again. Doesn't the clinic have your past medical records like the blood and semen results that you did a year ago?
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    Can't really remember. The dye colour is orange so dunno isit the dye or my own spotting.
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    I had cramps for the next 2 days after my HSG.
  13. L

    TTC with 1 Fallopian tube

    Yup, normal digital thermometer with accuracy to 0.1 deg is fine. You try a few cycles first, if you can't see a pattern, you may need to get a basal thermometer with accuracy up to 0.01 deg. It shouldn't be too expensive, around $20+ from pharmacy. Not necesary to take temp during menses. I...
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    Chances of pregnancy

    Average luteal phase is around 10 to 16 days, that means you probably ovulated between CD 11 to 17. Sperm can live up to 5 days in fertile cervical mucus, but more realistically up to 3 days only. You would have a good shot at pregnancy if you ovulated on CD 11, 12, 13, 16 or 17. Even with...
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    TTC with 1 Fallopian tube

    I used normal digital thermometer to 0.1 degree accuracy. Temperature taken orally. I find that it's good enough for me because my temp shift is obvious. There's also special BBT thermometer available at pharmacy, accurate to 0.01 degree. Not so expensive but I find it's not really necessary...
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    TTC with 1 Fallopian tube

    Because you don't chart BBT, so you don't know how long is your luteal phase. The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases, follicular phase before ovulation, and luteal phase after ovulation. Follicular phase tends to vary from cycle to cycle, which is why not every cycle has same number of...
  17. L

    TTC with 1 Fallopian tube

    Hi, which gynae are you seeing? How long are your cycles and are you charting your BBT? Otherwise how does your gynae know that you are ovulating 14 to 16 days after your menses? Which ovulation kit are you using? Ovulation kits may not work for people with PCOS but it seems like you don't...
