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  1. U

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, Ryan yup, i know what you mean abt a closure on the pregnancy . It is like finally closing a chapter on this part of your life and able to move on again. a) i went for review after 2 weeks but that was becos the doc asked me to go back. b) mine came back abt 2 weeks later...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Modi, yup, we are tokking abt the same gynae. i'm sure she is good professionally but terrible EQ. Or maybe she just doesn't have the time to break bad news nicely to patients. when i started to cry, she just sat there like a stone and stare. Her nurse was nice, passed me a tissue and...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Ryan, strongly advised you to really rest well, like what Modi said. try not to do any hsework or strenous work. I know it is easier said than done, but try to think positive and dun dwell too much on the negative part. i understand it is frustrating to have to wait for each gynae check to...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Thanks for the compliment, Linda. : ) I certainly hope that all you ladies out there will also be as lucky. Hoping that all will have a smooth next pregnancy. Babydust to all!!!! i had spotting also but as i heard that it is normal, i didn't really think much of it and the doc did prescribed...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    you are welcome, linda, vera and modi. i wish this thread was available then as i felt so lost and had nowhere to turn to. Everyone keep telling me that i can still try again, miscarriages are common, no one is to blame etc, all of which i know but i needed to know the specifics like when i...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Just happened to chance upon this thread. I know how bad miscarriages can be as i had one last year at ard 9 weeks. i remember the doc remarking that baby doesn't seem to be growing at 9 weeks but as can still see heartbeat, i was to go for a review at 11 weeks. It was during that review that...
