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  1. H

    Baby walker vs activity station?

    Hello mommies, My LO is now 6 months and I have been thinking of getting her either a baby walker or activity station? Any suggestions which one is better and brand to buy? Thanks.
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    Dr Choo Wan Ling- Gleneagles

    Hello @db1010, Dr Choo is my gynae and I highly recommend her. I learned about her from 3 other close friends who delivered all of their 2-3children with her. When I went for my first consultation, I immediately feel comfortable with her and decided not to see any other gynae. Stitching is...
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    Any reviews of the mesh Ergo baby carrier?

    Hello @TTC2014, it's really exciting shopping ahead for baby especially with all the sales now. I bought my carrier when baby was over 3months old so I could let her try sitting on it first and see comfort for myself and baby. I am currently using I-Angel Rainbow Hipseat and my baby and I love...
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    Must empty breast to not have blocked ducts?

    Wow @Baby_mmmmm, you are blessed with much excess bm supply. For blocked ducts, warm compress your breasts and massage before pumping, it really helps. Totally agree with @gammahedging. I slowly try to reduce pumping from 3x (morning, noon, and night) per day to on 2x (after waking up and...
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    Frozen EBM to bless

    Hello Mommies, I have approximately 60 packs of excess frozen EBM packed flat in 150-230ml bags dated end of Mar-June 2015 that I want to give away. I am healthy, non-smoker, on a regular diet and not taking any caffeine or alcohol. My baby girl just turned 6 months last week and still...
