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  1. G

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi Jellyfish, I've been feeling itchy since last week. Experienced moms were telling me that's because our tummy skin is stretched thinner and prone to irritation. I have not got any rashes though. Just put on comfortably and safe moisturizer or stretch mark prevention cream. If rashes get...
  2. G

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Thanks for sharing. I was just about to ask for ifc too. It's my first and not really sure what to expect after birth. Will call a few centres and register first.
  3. G

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Me too... first timer there getting confused by all the products. Don't know what to buy also. But I bought a baby cot. Seemed many moms r buying so should be worth it.
  4. G

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Yeah I use WhatsApp more often than fb too. Please let me know if we are setting up one. We r heading to Expo tmr as well. But God I don't know what I need to buy yet... lol. Hope I'll get sth really useful and value for money. :)
  5. G

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi there, you are definitely not alone for dozing off at work.... I'm in 15th week and have been yawning every now and then in office too. Probably because I wasn't getting good quality sleep at night. Had to wake up midnight to empty my bladder almost every night. But my colleagues understand...
  6. G

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi everyone. I'm 14 weeks now. EDD 30 Sept. Just good to join this group. :) Was quite bad with morning sickness in 1st trimester. But thank god it's getting better. But anyone experience sudden dizziness and low blood sugar still? When it attacked I felt like blacking out. Quite worried about it.
