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  1. T

    Anyone with moderately severe endometriosis and ivf success?

    Thank you for the information. I will try to book appointment with her.
  2. T

    Anyone with moderately severe endometriosis and ivf success?

    Thank you for sharing us this informaton, The_spinsterella. Roughly how much does Raffles Hospital charge for Ivf. Is the doctor using short protocol for ivf?
  3. T

    Anyone with moderately severe endometriosis and ivf success?

    Hi, The_spinsterella, could you share with us which doctor you see previously for the successful cycle of ivf.:)
  4. T

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

  5. T

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Last time my grandfather had a kelong and they catch fish and seafood and my father will help too. After i was born, my father changed job. 老师,我不怕吃苦。可以帮帮我, 指点我念那些经文吗?如何 念经remove血瘤和把业障消除。
  6. T

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师,你好。可以帮我看看如何才能怀育,生小孩吗? I married for 5 years, l have done laparoscopy to remove 血瘤。I have tried ivf once but failed. Recently I also been to temple to pray and got kwan yin lot no.46. 我平时有念药琉璃光如来经和高王观世音经。这两种经可以一起念吗?at night i will also chant green tara mantra. Does read in heart count or need...
