.•*'*•. 玄艺解答 .•*'*•.


Well-Known Member
老师在2013年开设‘真相’帖子(click -> post #17)之后,就没再为人提供真相解答。



  • 想知道失散多年的亲人是否还活着。
  • 想知道你的亲人有没有死。
  • 想知道到底是被谁谋杀的。
  • 想知道到底谁是被谁强奸的。

1. 谢绝回答任何问题有关:(1)生育(2)健康(3)离婚(4)外遇(5)子女(6)职业(7)学业(8)婚姻(9)财运(10)生意(11)风水(12)邪术
2. 老师将选择性塞选出问题。
3. 服务不收费,但带几样条件。
4. 读清楚此帖之后才来问。
5. 截至日期一过,恕不招呼。
6. 老师吃长斋不讲骗话。若不信老师的解答,最好不要问。
7. 老师给你final answer,你必须接受。不要追问、埋怨、贪心、憎恨、不甘愿。

Opening date: 30 May 2015
Closing date: 03 June 2015 (2359hr)(closed)

错过这个帖子的,不知道何时才有。随缘。有空可以读一读老师的facebook <-click

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Continue from post #2132


若老师是泰南居民,会想法子躲避。天劫来的时候,好人坏人“龙众 sudah mati”。

人就这样每次发生了之后,才来怨天恨地“早就知道,就不该让孩子去Kota Kinabalu爬山了”、“早就知道,就不来了”、“早就知道,多陪他”、“早就知道,就不嫁给他了”

老师曾经在facebook (click) 发表了,今年比去年来得糟糕。


泰国是佛国,泰国人相信鬼神不足为奇。Unfortunately, most Singaporeans are stubborn. Mostly are well educated - Ego高、骄傲、自大。

跟泰国人、印尼人谈‘鬼’,他们会怕。Talk to Singaporeans, "sure or not", "no such thing", "nonsense", "精神错乱", “haao siiao”, "talk-cock", "bloody fool will believe", "who the hell are you, why should I believe you", "satan and devils talking to you"blah blah blah and etc.

往往遇到这种人,老师不会管他。那些当面遇见的,老师随口会暗示两、三句,对方会听进耳朵最好。Most people will ask "why must do this? why? can tell me?. Usually, I will end the conversation and ignore. 出了事,真的是活该。
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Continue from post #2132


若老师是泰南居民,会想法子躲避。天劫来的时候,好人坏人“龙众 sudah mati”。

人就这样每次发生了之后,才来怨天恨地“早就知道,就不该让孩子去Kota Kinabalu爬山了”、“早就知道,就不来了”、“早就知道,多陪他”、“早就知道,就不嫁给他了”

老师曾经在facebook (click) 发表了,今年比去年来得糟糕。


泰国是佛国,泰国人相信鬼神不足为奇。Unfortunately, most Singaporeans are stubborn. Mostly are well educated - Ego高、骄傲、自大。

跟泰国人、印尼人谈‘鬼’,他们会怕。Talk to Singaporeans, "sure or not", "no such thing", "nonsense", "精神错乱", “haao siiao”, "talk-cock", "bloody fool will believe", "who the hell are you, why should I believe you", "satan and devils talking to you"blah blah blah and etc.

往往遇到这种人,老师不会管他。那些当面遇见的,老师随口会暗示两、三句,对方会听进耳朵最好。Most people will ask "why must do this? why? can tell me?. Usually, I will end the conversation and ignore. 出了事,真的是活该。
Hello Master @toblerone , one of my close friend's mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer and recently she kept having nightmares - her late father chiding her for not attending her late brother's funeral; she refused to come back from her vacation. (Her late brother passed away from cancer exactly a year ago) and in her nightmares, she saw the late family members including my friend's father (who is her in-law).
Just months back (before the diagnosis), when they went to pray at Mandai Columbarium, she said she would only pray to her late brother and refused to pray to the late in-law. Their urns are placed at the same location, just one level different.

Would like to know if it's due to the curse of the deceased (esp her late brother), that's why she is suffering from cancer now?
Is there any way to elevate her sufferings before she passed on? (Recently, she has just converted to Christianity under her daughter's persuasion)?

Appreciate your reply. Thanks!
