Should I move house before or after I deliver?


Active Member
Hi all,

My EDD is 29 December 2015, and it so happens that our new place will be ready around then. Would you advise moving house before or after giving birth? Naturally I will do none of the heavy lifting but I'll still have to settle down and do some organizing of things around the new house. For now it seems to me that moving whilst heavily pregnant must just be slightly easier than during confinement.

Due to reasons, we won't be able to delay the moving house for too long. Meaning to say the house will be ready by early to mid December, and the latest we need to move is by end February. Any advice?

In addition, just out of curiosity how long did it take after giving birth before you were ready to go out and meet people?

TIA for all your advice!

Depends on whether u will be having natural delivery or c-sect. C-sect u can fix yr c-sect date but normal delivery u won't know the exact date of delivery. It will definitely be easier to move when baby's not out and yr hb still have a few days time to tidy things up in the new house during yr hospital stay. U won't need yr hb to be in the hospital with u everyday. After discharge u can have a nice comfy home to settle in with new baby. But it's quite difficult to decide as yr EDD n the house will be ready ard the same time and u might due earlier than yr EDD which means yr house might not be ready unless u can get yr contractors to get everything done in early December. Sometimes u have to press them u

I had normal delivery so only stayed for 1 night in hospital. I went out on the 3rd day to bring baby for jaundice checkup.
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Thanks betc!

If all goes according to plans it should be natural birth. Yup understand what you mean by very hard to predict the exact date I pop. If (and that is a big if) the house is ready before baby comes I guess we will try to quickly move lol. Makes sense when you say easier when baby's not out.

Not much renovation to be done since the unit comes mostly finished except to fit in furniture, and gone are any romantic notions of designing a fantasy dream home. Functional and easy to clean is our new dream lol.
The best is you can move in before baby come out, even if not, then all your packing should be arranged as early as possible so that your hubby can arrange while u recover and taking care baby if u pop earlier than the house is ready. It very difficult and tiring to move when u have a baby to take care, plus moving all the baby stuff. Not need to do fancy reno, simple is the way, and also child safe (think about those socket, corners, materials etc.), as time goes by the kid will mess up the whole place. ;)

How long to be ready to go out and meet people really depends, but even doing confinement can also sneak out for a short while for check up, chop chop buy something, it's not "in jail" anyway. But most of your time will be with baby, and you are more likely want to rest rather than go out.
Hi haruharu

I was in your situation last year. We had to move into our new house before baby was born and I was cutting real close to my EDD. My boy was due on early July and our reno was finished by second last week of June. We decided to move despite me being huge and clumsy. We think its better to settle everything before the bb came.

I did most of the packing and unpacking myself. As hubby was away most of the time. Had some help from my siblings but it was still super tiring. But told myself I got to rest after we moved and during confinement so I bit the bullet and tahan...

As for how long ready to meet people.. do you mean when you are no longer looking horrible/tired/puffy from the delivery? It all depends actually. I was out and about a few days after my first birth cos my boy was hospitalised for jaundice and being my first birth tummy went down quite fast. But looks were horrible cos lack of rest (I didn't have confinement lady for looking after bb at night). Second kid, had tummy for a while but looks more radiant due to good care from confinement lady. So it really all depends...

Good luck with house shifting and delivery!
