水娃娃童装:Kids Clothings and Accessories ~ chongyp ~

Hi yp,
will like to order the below
1. http://www.baby-beauty.com/product_info.aspx?p=M1E1kDDLyVWduJWb
size: 15
unit price: 190

2. http://www.baby-beauty.com/product_info.aspx?p=M1E4cDDLyVWduJWb
size: 15
unit price: 190

total: 380

Batch 35

Orders from sept03bride
Collection Method: TBC

@sept03bride : Thanks for your order. Both are NT120. Hence, your 1st payment is $12.00

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 雅緻立體紋花朵藤蔓內搭棉質長褲|180089|A-15號|1|Available|120|6.00|12.00|Pending
\ 彩色線圈貓頭鷹薄棉長袖上衣|180072|A黑-15號|1|Available|120|6.00||

Batch 35

Revised orders from cfteng1978
Collection Method: TBC

@cfteng1978 : Noted your addition. Your current 1st payment is S$14.80

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 彩色氣球蝶結貓~荷葉蓋袖上衣|170671|A白-7號|1|Available|88|4.40|14.80|Pending
\ 台灣製-海軍風~配色蝶結~荷葉飾腰橫條洋裝|170449|B紅白-7號|1|Available|88|4.40||
\ 滿版蝶結皇冠~彈性薄長鉛筆褲/內搭褲|180030|B黃-5號蝶結|1|Available|120|6.00||

\ NT99 | NT120 | NT120 | NT120 | NT120
Batch 35

Order from jungie
Collection Method: TBC

@jungie : Thanks for your order. Item 1 is OOS.
Let me know which colour you want for item [180095], both colour is left with 1 piece for size 15
Let me know what size you want for item [180004], the sizing is different scale.
Please transfer 1st payment asap to avoid OOS items.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 兔兔拼布棉質內搭長褲~內磨棉|180114|A黑-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00|30.70| Pending
\ 可愛點點兔拼接橫條洋裝/長版上衣~內磨棉|180097|A紅白-15號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 亮鑽優雅翻領點點上衣/小洋裝~內磨棉|180094|A綠-15號|1|Available|110|5.50||
\ 俏麗棉質英文橫條內搭褲裙~|180095|?? 15號|1|Available;both colour left with 1 piece only|120|6.00||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|A ??|1|Available|88|4.40||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|B ??|1|Available|88|4.40||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|D ??|1|Available|88|4.40||

Batch 35

Order from Lilyn22
Collection Method: Self-Collect

@Lilyn22 : Thanks for your order. For item 2, as it costs > NT160, it is not NT88 but it has 21% discount. Is that ok?

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 彩色氣球蝶結貓~荷葉蓋袖上衣|170671|A白-11號|1|Available|88|4.40|19.84|Pending
\ 溫馨5月特賣168(原價299)~送胸花~可愛公主袖~滿滿蝶結雪紡洋裝(有內裡)|170731|A粉-9號|1|Available|132.72|6.64||
\ 特別企劃-迪士尼正版卡通~米奇.米妮.公主.汽車總動員~圓領棉質上衣~多款多色|170403|J紅-9號公主城堡|1|Available (Last Pc)|88|4.40||
\ 夏日女孩推薦~花仙子、舞蝶、彩卉字母等~純棉(精舒棉)圓領上衣~6款|170840|G莓粉-S號蝶舞&花|1|Available|88|4.40||
Batch 35

Revised order from jungie
Collection Method: TBC

@jungie : Thanks for your order and payment. I have reserved the following items for you.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 可愛點點兔拼接橫條洋裝/長版上衣~內磨棉|180097|A紅白-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00|40.60|30.70
\ 亮鑽優雅翻領點點上衣/小洋裝~內磨棉|180094|A綠-15號|1|Reserved|110|5.50||
\ 俏麗棉質英文橫條內搭褲裙~|180095|A桃-15號|1|Reserved; Pre-order|120|6.00||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|A星星-150號|1|Reserved|88|4.40||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|B菱格-140號|1|Reserved|88|4.40||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|D骷髏-150號|1|Reserved|88|4.40||
\ 清新學院風~經典菱格編織~蝶結針織及膝襪~4色(無腳底限制)(中大童款)|P11028|C灰|1|Reserved|99|4.95||
\ 清新學院風~經典菱格編織~蝶結針織及膝襪~4色(無腳底限制)(中大童款)|P11028|D黑|1|Reserved|99|4.95||
Batch 35

Revised Order from jungie
Collection Method: TBC

@jungie : I have reserved your additional items.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 可愛點點兔拼接橫條洋裝/長版上衣~內磨棉|180097|A紅白-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00|64.60|30.70
\ 亮鑽優雅翻領點點上衣/小洋裝~內磨棉|180094|A綠-15號|1|Reserved|110|5.50||
\ 俏麗棉質英文橫條內搭褲裙~|180095|A桃-15號|1|Reserved; Pre-order|120|6.00||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|A星星-150號|1|Reserved|88|4.40||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|B菱格-140號|1|Reserved|88|4.40||
\ 星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|D骷髏-150號|1|Reserved|88|4.40||
\ 清新學院風~經典菱格編織~蝶結針織及膝襪~4色(無腳底限制)(中大童款)|P11028|C灰|1|Reserved|99|4.95||
\ 清新學院風~經典菱格編織~蝶結針織及膝襪~4色(無腳底限制)(中大童款)|P11028|D黑|1|Reserved|99|4.95||
\ 薔薇花蕾絲層次內搭褲裙(內磨棉)|180112|A酒紅-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 薔薇花蕾絲層次內搭褲裙(內磨棉)|180112|B灰-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 珍珠愛心滿版點點長袖上衣(內磨棉)|180076|A紅-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 珍珠愛心滿版點點長袖上衣(內磨棉)|180076|B藍-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00||
Batch 35 - Update

I have paid 1st payment to the merchant, waiting for them to prepare our package for shipping and quoting 2nd payment.

Batch 36

Accepting orders for Batch 36
Batch 36

Order from bandtz
Collection Method: TBC

@bandtz : Thanks for your order. Please note that 2 items are OOS. The rest are available.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 小公主~蕾絲領滿滿蝶結長袖上衣~內磨棉|180087|A粉-15號|1|Available |120|6.00|24.00|Pending
\ 蝶結荷葉領點點上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180198|B咖-15號|1|Available |120|6.00||
\ 彩色線圈貓頭鷹薄棉長袖上衣~|180072|A黑-13號|0|Currently OOS|0|0.00||
\ 熱情艷夏水玉圓點點~拼接蕾絲後擺上衣小洋裝|170593|A桃-11號|1|Available (Last Pc)|120|6.00||
\ 雅緻立體紋花朵藤蔓內搭棉質長褲~|180089|A-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 本週特賣99~耀眼色彩立體蝶結~織花內搭褲裙|170811|A螢光黃-9號|1|Available|120|6.00||
Batch 36

Order from bandtz
Collection Method: TBC

@bandtz : Sorry, the price of 2 of your items should be NT88.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 小公主~蕾絲領滿滿蝶結長袖上衣~內磨棉|180087|A粉-15號|1|Available |120|6.00|20.80|Pending
\ 蝶結荷葉領點點上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180198|B咖-15號|1|Available |120|6.00||
\ 彩色線圈貓頭鷹薄棉長袖上衣~|180072|A黑-13號|0|Currently OOS|0|0.00||
\ 熱情艷夏水玉圓點點~拼接蕾絲後擺上衣小洋裝|170593|A桃-11號|1|Available (Last Pc)|88|4.40||
\ 雅緻立體紋花朵藤蔓內搭棉質長褲~|180089|A-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 本週特賣99~耀眼色彩立體蝶結~織花內搭褲裙|170811|A螢光黃-9號|1|Available|88|4.40||
Batch 36

Revised order from bandtz
Collection Method: TBC

@bandtz : Noted your additional and changes. Your current 1st payment is now $32.80.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 小公主~蕾絲領滿滿蝶結長袖上衣~內磨棉|180087|A粉-15號|1|Available |120|6.00|32.80|Pending
\ 蝶結荷葉領點點上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180198|B咖-15號|1|Available |120|6.00||
\ 彩色線圈貓頭鷹薄棉長袖上衣~|180072|A黑-11號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 熱情艷夏水玉圓點點~拼接蕾絲後擺上衣小洋裝|170593|A桃-11號|1|Available (Last Pc)|88|4.40||
\ 雅緻立體紋花朵藤蔓內搭棉質長褲~|180089|A-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 本週特賣99~耀眼色彩立體蝶結~織花內搭褲裙|170811|A螢光黃-9號|1|Available|88|4.40||
\ 珍珠環領點點棉質薄長袖上衣 ~微磨棉|180238|A粉-13號|1|Available (Last Pc)|120|6.00||
Batch 35 - Arrival

Batch 35 has arrived at my place. I have emailed / PM'ed all participants. Please let me know if you have not received my message. Thanks.

Nick|Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment|Wt (g)|International Shipping Fee (S$)|Local Postage + Stationery (S$)|Top Up / Refund
\ cfteng1978|彩色氣球蝶結貓~荷葉蓋袖上衣|170671|A白-7號|1|88|4.40|14.80|14.80|64|2.61|2.00|4.61
\ |台灣製-海軍風~配色蝶結~荷葉飾腰橫條洋裝|170449|B紅白-7號|1|88|4.40|||79|||
\ |滿版蝶結皇冠~彈性薄長鉛筆褲/內搭褲|180030|B黃-5號蝶結|1|120|6.00|||118|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ jungie|可愛點點兔拼接橫條洋裝/長版上衣~內磨棉|180097|A紅白-15號|1|120|6.00|64.60|30.70|184|15.54|6.10|55.54
\ |亮鑽優雅翻領點點上衣/小洋裝~內磨棉|180094|A綠-15號|1|110|5.50|||158|||
\ |俏麗棉質英文橫條內搭褲裙~|180095|A桃-15號|1|120|6.00|||169|||
\ |星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|A星星-150號|1|88|4.40|||96|||
\ |星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|B菱格-140號|1|88|4.40|||95|||
\ |星星彩條菱格等多款薄長質內搭褲~單件99~3件以上每件88|180004|D骷髏-150號|1|88|4.40|||92|||
\ |清新學院風~經典菱格編織~蝶結針織及膝襪~4色(無腳底限制)(中大童款)|P11028|C灰|1|99|4.95|||37|||
\ |清新學院風~經典菱格編織~蝶結針織及膝襪~4色(無腳底限制)(中大童款)|P11028|D黑|1|99|4.95|||37|||
\ |薔薇花蕾絲層次內搭褲裙(內磨棉)|180112|A酒紅-15號|1|120|6.00|||171|||
\ |薔薇花蕾絲層次內搭褲裙(內磨棉)|180112|B灰-15號|1|120|6.00|||190|||
\ |珍珠愛心滿版點點長袖上衣(內磨棉)|180076|A紅-15號|1|120|6.00|||161|||
\ |珍珠愛心滿版點點長袖上衣(內磨棉)|180076|B藍-15號|1|120|6.00|||164|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ lilyn22|彩色氣球蝶結貓~荷葉蓋袖上衣|170671|A白-11號|1|88|4.40|13.20|13.20|71|2.15|0.00|2.15
\ |特別企劃-迪士尼正版卡通~米奇.米妮.公主.汽車總動員~圓領棉質上衣~多款多色|170403|J紅-9號公主城堡|1|88|4.40|||76|||
\ |夏日女孩推薦~花仙子、舞蝶、彩卉字母等~純棉(精舒棉)圓領上衣~6款|170840|G莓粉-S號蝶舞&花|1|88|4.40|||68|||
Batch 36

Accepting orders for Batch 36 . . .
Please transfer 1st payment as soon as you are ready to confirm your order. I will only reserve your items upon receiving your 1st payment. Items, especially bigger sizes, run OOS very fast. Thanks.
Spree Site: 水娃娃童装

Exchange Rate: NT1 = SGD0.05

By air parcel from Taiwan. Shipping charges are shared according to weight of items. Shipping charges are capped at $1 per 100g.

Estimated Date of Arrival:
2-4 weeks after the order has been placed at merchant, subject to re-stocking

Collection Mode:
1) Registered Mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery + $2.25) Recommended
2) Normal mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery)
3) SmartPac ($4.70)
4) Courier via Ta-Q-Bin (depending on size, starting from $6 + $0.50 for stationery)
5) Self-collect from my place at SengKang, Anchorvale. Time is flexible but please inform me at least 3 hrs before coming. No self-collection on Sunday.

1st Payment: Total Price(NT) x 0.05
To be paid immediately after you have placed order.
As items run out of stock very fast, you are encouraged to make your 1st payment as soon as possible. After 1st payment, your items shall be reserved. No changes in size or color or cancellation are allowed.

2nd Payment: International shipping charges according to weight of items ordered + Local Postage/Courier (if any)
To be paid when goods arrive in Singapore, before collection or posting out

Payment shall be made to either one of the following accounts:
1) POSB Savings Account 126-27681-8
2) OCBC Plus! Savings Account 583-164702-001
3) UOB Uniplus 420-378-211-4

After each payment is made, please either post / email / PM me the transferred amount, transaction reference and the Date and time of transfer.
All interbank transfer may take 1 working days to reach me. I will only acknowledge the payment when it reaches me.

Terms and Conditions:
1) I shall not be responsible for any mistake made in your order.
2) I shall not be responsible if the spree site send the wrong item/colour/defective goods. Goods are not exchangeable and not refundable.
3) I shall not be responsible for any shipment delay.
4) I shall not be responsible for any lost / damage mail by SingPost or Courier.
5) I shall not be responsible if items get confiscated / delayed at the customs.
6) I shall not be responsible if the quality of goods is not up to your expectation.
7) I shall not be responsible if the spree site has provided the wrong measurements for their products. Please allow 2-3 cm discrepancies of measurements given by the spree site.
8) I shall reserve my rights to cancel the spree if there is not enough response.
9) I shall refund buyers for any OOS items encountered during ordering or during cancellation of spree.
10) No changes to order is allowed after order has been placed with the spree site.

You can either post on this thread, PM or email me at [email protected]

Order Format:
Email: [You may PM or email me]
Collection Method: Normal/Registered/SmartPac/Courier/Self-Collect

Item URL:
Item Name:
Item Number:
Size (if any):
Alternative color/size if OOS:

Item #2.....

1st Payment (SGD): Total Price (NT) X 0.05
sorry, additional items.

Item 1 & 2
Item URL:
A - size 13 & B size 15
Price(NT): 120 x 2

Item 3
A - size 11
Price(NT): 120

please let me know the total amount incl my previous one, thank you so much!

sorry for being so late to reply.

Batch 36

Revised order from bandtz
Collection Method: TBC

@bandtz : Noted your new additions. However, most of your previous order are OOS except for 2 items. Please see below. Your current 1st payment is $28.95

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 小公主~蕾絲領滿滿蝶結長袖上衣~內磨棉|180087|A粉-15號|1|Available |120|6.00|28.95|Pending
\ 蝶結荷葉領點點上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180198|B咖-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 彩色線圈貓頭鷹薄棉長袖上衣~|180072|A黑-11號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 熱情艷夏水玉圓點點~拼接蕾絲後擺上衣小洋裝|170593|A桃-11號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 雅緻立體紋花朵藤蔓內搭棉質長褲~|180089|A-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 本週特賣99~耀眼色彩立體蝶結~織花內搭褲裙|170811|A螢光黃-9號|1|Available|99|4.95||
\ 珍珠環領點點棉質薄長袖上衣 ~微磨棉|180238|A粉-13號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 絨布蝶結點點長袖上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180200|A米-13號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 絨布蝶結點點長袖上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180200|B粉-15號|1|Available (Last Pc)|120|6.00||
\ 點點印花珍珠環領棉質薄長袖上衣 ~微磨棉|180318|A藍-11號|1|Available|120|6.00||
Batch 36

Order from Blueberry_pie
Collection Method: TBC

@blueberry_pie : Thanks for your order and payment. I have reserved the following item for you and will monitor the rest for you.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 瘋狂特賣~物超所值~男女款刷白牛仔長褲~8款|180020|A-100號消防車|0|OOS|0|0.00|12.00|20.40
\ 平織褲特賣會(一)男女款百搭~單件240元;3件以上每件199元|180034|A咖-7號數字1875|1|Reserved|240|12.00||
\ 牛仔褲特賣會(三)~帥氣個性多款刷白牛仔長褲~單件240元;3件以上每件199元|180033|B-7號星星汽車|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 正版迪士尼熱賣款~米妮點點、水鑽心型雪紡連身洋裝(台灣製)~A點點(粉);B配色橫條(粉);C配色橫條(紫)|130978|B配色橫條(粉) 6號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 本周特賣99~中性款~橫條拼接披肩長袖上衣~內磨棉|180079|A藍紫-7號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 台灣製~帥氣設計領帶印花條紋接袖棉質上衣|180064|A灰-11號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
Hi Chongyp,
Have sent you an email regards to my payment, please checek. Thank you and sorry for the late response.

Batch 36

Revised order from bandtz
Collection Method: TBC

@bandtz : Thanks for your payment. I have only managed to reserve 4 items for you. The rest are OOS. I will use the excess to offset shipping charges.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 小公主~蕾絲領滿滿蝶結長袖上衣~內磨棉|180087|A粉-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00|22.95|28.95
\ 蝶結荷葉領點點上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180198|B咖-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 彩色線圈貓頭鷹薄棉長袖上衣~|180072|A黑-11號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 熱情艷夏水玉圓點點~拼接蕾絲後擺上衣小洋裝|170593|A桃-11號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 雅緻立體紋花朵藤蔓內搭棉質長褲~|180089|A-15號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 本週特賣99~耀眼色彩立體蝶結~織花內搭褲裙|170811|A螢光黃-9號|1|Reserved|99|4.95||
\ 珍珠環領點點棉質薄長袖上衣 ~微磨棉|180238|A粉-13號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 絨布蝶結點點長袖上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180200|A米-13號|1|Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 絨布蝶結點點長袖上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180200|B粉-15號|1|Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 點點印花珍珠環領棉質薄長袖上衣 ~微磨棉|180318|A藍-11號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
Batch 36

Order from TanCS
Collection Method: TBC

@tan cs: Thanks for your order and payment. All your items have been reserved for you.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|A03|1|Reserved|190|9.50|47.50|47.50
\ 正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|A07|1|Reserved|190|9.50||
\ 正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|A09|1|Reserved|190|9.50||
\ 正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|X|2|Reserved|380|19.00||
Batch 36 - Arrival

Items have arrived at my place. I have emailed and PM'ed all participants. Thanks for participating in this spree. The next batch will start only when the site launches their summer collection.

Nick|Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment|Wt (g)|International Shipping Fee (S$)|Local Postage + Stationery (S$)|Top Up / Refund
\ bandtz|小公主~蕾絲領滿滿蝶結長袖上衣~內磨棉|180087|A粉-15號|1|120|6.00|22.95|28.95|140|5.80|3.05|2.85
\ |本週特賣99~耀眼色彩立體蝶結~織花內搭褲裙|170811|A螢光黃-9號|1|99|4.95|||96|||
\ |絨布蝶結點點長袖上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180200|A米-13號|1|120|6.00|||172|||
\ |絨布蝶結點點長袖上衣~2色(微磨棉)|180200|B粉-15號|1|120|6.00|||172|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ Blueberry_pie|平織褲特賣會(一)男女款百搭|180034|A咖-7號數字1875|1|240|12.00|12.00|20.40|210|2.10|1.65|-4.65
\ ||||||||||||
\ Tan CS|正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|A03|1|190|9.50|47.50|47.50|22|1.66|3.90|5.56
\ |正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|A07|1|190|9.50|||39|||
\ |正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|A09|1|190|9.50|||34|||
\ |正版台灣製冰雪奇緣米奇妮/玩具總動員麥坤哆啦A夢~兒童手錶~3支以上每支190|P11053|X|2|380|19.00|||71|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ chongyp|防寒流牛仔褲特別企劃(一)男女款雙層棉長褲牛仔褲~保暖推薦|180071|C-13號數字76|1|350|17.50|36.45|36.45|376|6.73|0.00|6.73
\ |新款微笑圖案(適用小孩)~暖暖配件必備~彩色豹紋(適大人)~雙層針織圍脖~有多色可選喔!|P10784|G橘-微笑|1|130|6.50|||106|||
\ |暖暖配件精選~配色星星雙層造型圍脖~4色~多用途|P11081|C深藍(藍星)|1|150|7.50|||66|||
\ |我愛迪士尼~歡樂迪士尼卡通人物斜面方鏡~多款可選喔|P9806|A米奇|1|99|4.95|||125|||
Spree Site: 水娃娃童装

Exchange Rate: NT1 = SGD0.05

By air parcel from Taiwan. Shipping charges are shared according to weight of items. Shipping charges are capped at $1 per 100g.

Estimated Date of Arrival:
2-4 weeks after the order has been placed at merchant, subject to re-stocking

Collection Mode:
1) Registered Mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery + $2.25) Recommended
2) Normal mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery)
3) SmartPac ($4.70 / $3.80) depending on size and weight
4) Courier via Ta-Q-Bin (depending on size, starting from $6 + $0.50 for stationery)
5) Self-collect from my place at SengKang, Anchorvale. Time is flexible but please inform me at least 3 hrs before coming. No self-collection on Sunday.

1st Payment: Total Price(NT) x 0.05
To be paid immediately after you have placed order.
As items run out of stock very fast, you are encouraged to make your 1st payment as soon as possible. After 1st payment, your items shall be reserved. No changes in size or color or cancellation are allowed.

2nd Payment: International shipping charges according to weight of items ordered + Local Postage/Courier (if any)
To be paid when goods arrive in Singapore, before collection or posting out

Payment shall be made to either one of the following accounts:
1) POSB Savings Account 126-27681-8
2) OCBC Plus! Savings Account 583-164702-001
3) UOB Uniplus 420-378-211-4

After each payment is made, please either post / email / PM me the bank, transferred amount, transaction reference and the Date and time of transfer.

Terms and Conditions:
1) I shall not be responsible for any mistake made in your order.
2) I shall not be responsible if the spree site send the wrong item/colour/defective goods. Goods are not exchangeable and not refundable.
3) I shall not be responsible for any shipment delay.
4) I shall not be responsible for any lost / damage mail by SingPost or Courier.
5) I shall not be responsible if items get confiscated / delayed at the customs.
6) I shall not be responsible if the quality of goods is not up to your expectation.
7) I shall not be responsible if the spree site has provided the wrong measurements for their products. Please allow 2-3 cm discrepancies of measurements given by the spree site.
8) I shall reserve my rights to cancel the spree if there is not enough response.
9) I shall refund buyers for any OOS items encountered during ordering or during cancellation of spree.
10) No changes to order is allowed after order has been placed with the spree site.

You can either post on this thread, PM or email me at [email protected]

Order Format:
Email: [You may PM or email me]
Collection Method: Normal/Registered/SmartPac/Courier/Self-Collect

Item URL:
Item Name:
Item Number:
Size (if any):
Alternative color/size if OOS:

Item #2.....

1st Payment (SGD): Total Price (NT) X 0.05
