Need Advice about 7th month

Jia you! Jia you! It's not easy for us but so far we had been doing great! Hehe..
Tell u a secret.. Now I no longer fart so much & not that choking smelly anymore.. Wahahaha.. :D
My hb no need to stop breathing for few secs liao... Lol! *me really not paiseh hor* kekeke... :p






答:中元节又称之为“鬼节”, 初十五要多做功德、善事,不要做坏事;这一天要肃穆,不要嘻嘻哈哈。最好用经文来还债,"不要烧冥币、锡箔等"。这天也是敬拜菩萨祭奠祖先的大节气,进入中元节的这天的凌晨「可以上头香」,如果有佛台的话,可以上香后通宵念经,包括心经和往生咒都可以念诵.




Dear Teacher Jolyon,

Thanks for all your advices. I have just finished recited 49 times of 'xin jin'. Hope my karmic creditor can receive it.
老师在8 August说过了,农历七月是一关,相当危险/避忌的月份。并非迷信。


热门新闻七 Accident.

热门新闻六一 Deadly bus crash in Malaysia



热门新闻五 白龙王逝世

热门新闻四 Korean family killed in accident [click here read news]


热门新闻三 谋杀案

热门新闻二 农历七月前一日

热门新闻一 农历七月前两日



2013年 农历七月




今年有三个凶月,就是农历五月、七月及九月(阳历为June、August及October),当中以农历七月最凶,次为五月,后是九月,必须多加小心。凶月要一直到4 September 才结束。




Watch YouTube [1][2].

1300儿童成战争牺牲品 - 同样的不幸事件也发生在农历七月,叙利亚(


Watch YouTube [1][2].


Myanmar)西北部,农历七月十八(25 August)也发生宗教冲突,导致数十民宅被烧。Watch YouTube [1]

Mexico),一列载有300多乘客的货运火车出轨,造成5死35伤。当地媒体说,死亡人数应会多达50人。YouTube [1][2]

菲律宾(Philippine)渡轮与货船相撞,导致170人在汪汪大海失踪,35人证实死亡。YouTube [1][2].




除了抚顺市是重灾区,嫩江、松花江和黑龙江等地也有洪涝灾害,多处断电而陷入“瘫痪”状态。YouTube [1][2].

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Dear Teacher Jolyon,
Thanks for all your advices. I have just finished recited 49 times of 'xin jin'. Hope my karmic creditor can receive it.

Hahaha.. Lao shi, if I anyhow throw stone, hit someone who didn't recite, police will oso 'catch' me.. Lol! :D
Hi Jolyon
I need advise from you....I bring my girl lately out on sunday (CCK Farm Mart) and we went to have our dinner at IMM then return straight home abt 9pm. Before sleep she suddenly throw tantrums and cry and fuss and it seem very unusual of her (she dun usually do that) and that night she couldn't seem to fall asleep until abt 3AM. Then after she sleep she also wake up a few times screaming or cry. I am quite worry if she had met something "not clean". What can I do now? Can I bring her to Kwan Yin temple in Bugis to pray?? Pls advise. Thanks...........
Hi Jolyon
I need advise from you....I bring my girl lately out on sunday (CCK Farm Mart) and we went to have our dinner at IMM then return straight home abt 9pm. Before sleep she suddenly throw tantrums and cry and fuss and it seem very unusual of her (she dun usually do that) and that night she couldn't seem to fall asleep until abt 3AM. Then after she sleep she also wake up a few times screaming or cry. I am quite worry if she had met something "not clean". What can I do now? Can I bring her to Kwan Yin temple in Bugis to pray?? Pls advise. Thanks...........
老师早提醒了。为什么还是要夜归?7th Month - can go zoo?



1. 到花店买七色花,麻疯柑柚叶. Total cost about $2. (麻疯柑: 3 for $1, 七色花: $0.50, 柚叶: $0.50)
2. 买了之后,把七色花,麻疯柑、柚叶拿去庙拜。献上去的时候,得放在用红色敬盘。买不买金纸无所谓。
3. 在佛教庙宇点香(一般就1/3支)。若在道教庙宇点香最少6柱(先玉皇上帝3支;后主神3支)。Approximate $2.50 for one packet with many items (蜡烛、香、糖果、金纸等等). If you are buying a packet, no problem. *The money goes into the temple fund,not kopi-luiwee.
4. 报出自己的名字,女儿的名字。先忏悔,然后禀明事情的经过,还有发生什么事情。最后才祈求。一下子求东又求西,菩萨爱莫能助。就非常针对性的祈求。“祈求菩萨/神明帮助爱女XXX即日免受幽灵干扰,保佑解厄平安。花,柑、叶奉上,祈请神明/菩萨加持,给于爱女沐浴。" 
4i. 心态是要中马票求财,求什么都不会灵。求完之后,别乱讲话了。
5. 拜完之后,把七色花,麻疯柑、柚叶.带回家给女儿洗澡。
6. 把手洗干净,用干净水果小刀(不是切肉的菜刀)将麻疯柑切开,拧在装着水盆/桶中。Squeeze out the juice into the bucket.然后,将七色花以及柚叶加入。手不要伸入水里。
7. 等女儿洗完澡之后,才把花水和花/柑/叶,淋在女儿的头上。在浇水的时候,别碰她。
7i. 掉落的花/柑/叶,谁都不要踩到。花/柑/叶粘在身上,用水轻轻冲/吹掉。
8. 冲完花水之后,把她拉出来换上干净的衣服。这样就搞定了。
9. To clear up the mess, 用扫把扫起来 OR pick the waste (花/柑/叶) using your hands wrapped with plastics.


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Hi Jolyon,

Really thank you so much for your advise.
Sigh ya it is my fault to overlook on this details.....really regret big time. Once again thank you for taking time to answer and help.


答:中元节又称之为“鬼节”, 初十五要多做功德、善事,不要做坏事;这一天要肃穆,不要嘻嘻哈哈。最好用经文来还债,"不要烧冥币、锡箔等"。这天也是敬拜菩萨祭奠祖先的大节气,进入中元节的这天的凌晨「可以上头香」,如果有佛台的话,可以上香后通宵念经,包括心经和往生咒都可以念诵.





Hi Jolyon

Me and hubby will burn some joss sticks, candles and paper money to the 15th day of lunar 7th month. You mentioned above not to burn on the 15th day. So we should burn on the 1st day instead? Cos beginning of the 7th month is more 'dangerous' right?
Me and hubby will burn some joss sticks, candles and paper money to the 15th day of lunar 7th month. You mentioned above not to burn on the 15th day.
有这样说过吗?Can kindly quote the sentence which I mentioned? :)

beginning of the 7th month is more 'dangerous' right?


阎王招女婿/媳妇,或者找人参加party,被选中肯定要跟人间kiss good-bye了。
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有这样说过吗?Can kindly quote the sentence which I mentioned? :)

Here it is... or maybe i interpreted it wrongly :p

答:中元节又称之为“鬼节”, 初十五要多做功德、善事,不要做坏事;这一天要肃穆,不要嘻嘻哈哈。最好用经文来还债,"不要烧冥币、锡箔等"。这天也是敬拜菩萨祭奠祖先的大节气,进入中元节的这天的凌晨「可以上头香」,如果有佛台的话,可以上香后通宵念经,包括心经和往生咒都可以念诵.
呵呵.. somebody emailed me.

Replying to her mail, putting it as FAQ.

Hi Jolyon,

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us on SMH. I got so much enlightened by your posts, and about conflicts with my mil. Now I know I should treat her with open heart no matter how childish she behaves, as this is my debt to her in previous life. I hope I can clear the debt in this life..

About this lunar yr you mentioned 五月,七月, 九月 being the fiercest. In fact my daughter , 3yr old just met some dirty spirit when we brought her back late 8-9pm from a resort chalet at Changi during the english calender mth July. We went to a Chinese temple and pray then. After that she gets better and no more sick and restless in her sleep. Otherwise, she will wake up every night around 2-3am and cried and cried..

I was in fact very worried abt the lunar 7mth this yr (but I just chanced upon your posts after that).. When you mention not convenient to burn joss papers may I know under what circumstances this is?
Actually, my husband is normally the one who will burn and pray during 7mth because I am currently preggy in 1st trimester. But he was outstationed for the whole week during the 15th day, so I had to pray and burn, but of coz I was very sincere and serious and did not utter a word then. Im actually worried that something might have followed me home, because after that my daughter became restless in her sleep again and keep saying that someone is pulling her leg when she sleeps. she will shout "不要拉我的脚“..
Hi Jolyon,

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us on SMH. I got so much enlightened by your posts, and about conflicts with my mil. Now I know I should treat her with open heart no matter how childish she behaves, as this is my debt to her in previous life. I hope I can clear the debt in this life..

About this lunar yr you mentioned 五月,七月, 九月 being the fiercest. In fact my daughter , 3yr old just met some dirty spirit when we brought her back late 8-9pm from a resort chalet at Changi during the english calender mth July. We went to a Chinese temple and pray then. After that she gets better and no more sick and restless in her sleep. Otherwise, she will wake up every night around 2-3am and cried and cried..

I was in fact very worried abt the lunar 7mth this yr (but I just chanced upon your posts after that).. When you mention not convenient to burn joss papers may I know under what circumstances this is?
Actually, my husband is normally the one who will burn and pray during 7mth because I am currently preggy in 1st trimester. But he was outstationed for the whole week during the 15th day, so I had to pray and burn, but of coz I was very sincere and serious and did not utter a word then. Im actually worried that something might have followed me home, because after that my daughter became restless in her sleep again and keep saying that someone is pulling her leg when she sleeps. she will shout "不要拉我的脚“..

So scary to hear this. Just to share one of my true experience during the 7th month many years ago before I got married (about to ROM) at my old place (circuit rd). At that time i was staying alone with tenant next room. That year was my first time burning offerings on the 1st day. I think I made a big mistake by saying out my name & unit no while burning. From that night onwards, I can feel a male spirit lying on my body. I couldn't move (like sleep paralysis). Couldn't scream out & I heard his voice like muttering something repeatedly just near my upper body. Not joking. I feel I was being molested! It went on for a while before I can jump up & call for help on the phone at the wee hours. I took leave from work the next day as too scare to sleep after tht. My then bf (husband) came for many nights to sleep over during that month. But becos he was working night shift X 3 weekly so he couldn't come over every night. I have to on the TV everynight till sun rise. But I had nightmares of ghosts chasing me every single night. If happen I didn't on the TV and fell asleep, the same pressing on body thing will happen to me. From then on, I don't dare to burn anymore. My husband will do it on behalf every year since we got our resale flat the next year. At our new place, I don't have such experience anymore.





有些重病的或者刚死亡的,这种是到时候了魂魄就走掉。Hospitals (like SGH, TTS, KKH & etc)就有很多。新鬼、旧鬼、少鬼、老鬼、baby鬼都有!人死后,不只家人很伤心,魂魄被购走,也会痛哭。


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us on SMH. I got so much enlightened by your posts, and about conflicts with my mil. Now I know I should treat her with open heart no matter how childish she behaves, as this is my debt to her in previous life. I hope I can clear the debt in this life..

我知道有很多媳妇心里一直埋怨家翁家婆,甚至巴不得家翁家婆赶快死。I knew many daughter-in-law will say things like "Die early better, none of my business." "Better die far far away. Don't come near to my family". o_O 老人家的脾气的确古怪,习惯就好了。

家翁家婆死了不甘不愿,回来追讨,到时真的会headache. 人死后就会知道前世的事,今世会有这样的好/坏媳妇,上天安排了。今世对家翁家婆和媳妇的关系差,都是前世带来的。

家翁家婆都快mati了,还有多少个十年?年龄过了60岁,很快死悄悄。新加坡的乐龄人士平均多活到差不多75岁啦,比方,家翁家婆现在是70岁,而活到80岁可以偷笑了,说不定75岁就“kee-chiia”载去烧了!在世对他们不好,死后才烧“jia-horng-chuu”(吃风屋 = Hokkien)给他们根本没有用。两个老家伙在世时,对他们有孝心,死了之后,在世的亲人会有祖先的blessing. :D
I was in fact very worried abt the lunar 7mth this yr (but I just chanced upon your posts after that).. When you mention not convenient to burn joss papers may I know under what circumstances this is?
如果,家里有这个practise烧得话,老师no objection.

Actually, my husband is normally the one who will burn and pray during 7mth because I am currently preggy in 1st trimester. But he was outstationed for the whole week during the 15th day, so I had to pray and burn,

but of coz I was very sincere and serious and did not utter a word then.

七月十五日在拜的时候,不要讲话。不用求什么,最后一叠扔下去烧后就不要回头看,也不要拿stick去翻搅。最后, clear rubbish, 保持环境清洁。:)

Im actually worried that something might have followed me home, because after that my daughter became restless in her sleep again and keep saying that someone is pulling her leg when she sleeps. she will shout "不要拉我的脚“..
至于,孩子会哭闹,可以再等多一段时间。同时,给小孩冲花水澡(see earlier post on 2/9/13)。若小孩有连续作恶梦,突然身体不适,再提出来吧。;)
So scary to hear this. ... ...From then on, I don't dare to burn anymore. My husband will do it on behalf every year since we got our resale flat the next year. At our new place, I don't have such experience anymore.


老师的妈妈在二十年前认识一个Christian ah soh, 在农历七月时把金桶kick到远远去。Believe me, she can't walk on that particular day. 看医生不会好,最后乖乖买金纸元宝拜,脚才好起来。
Referring to @Rubilite's post (click).

还有老师我的孩子很容易卡阴,我们七月都躲在家,但是今年的七月他得晚上去 enrichment. 我很怕中标。请问要如何处理?enrichment 时间是固定地,不能补课. 头大。
I have answered before(click). 平常心。用不着提心吊胆。下课后直接回家。白天可以去寺庙普照。



农历七月,Geylang and Beach Road的火锅店,光顾的不只是中国人。还有放假的阿飘。通通join in,陪食客吃火锅。福建话有句话叫"yaao-kguwee"(饿鬼)。 If you have been to Little India on sunday, everywhere is fully packed with Indian workers。7月放长假的鬼魂,跟every sunday Little India印度劳工有的fight。

有一家四口(dad, mum and two children)在路旁吃田鸡粥。陪桌还有十只鬼!鬼吃剩的骨和口水都倒在人吃的碗里面。Imagine, the family licking their spoon.

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Dear xxxsong,

I can't find the "After visiting wake,应该做些什么" post. Can you guide me on this? After 送殡 when we return to the wake area, there was 花水 provided.

Upon reaching home, before I enter the house, I did use pomegranate plant water (water which contain some pomegranate plant) to sprinkle on head, face, hands and feet. Is this sufficient?

But, I'm not sure if I got 乱讲话 or not. But at the crematorium,
(1) there was some mention of "做头七" and a need to offer toothpaste, toothbrush in the mornings to 梳洗 and coffee for the deceased. And I was kinda surprised that after dying, there is still a need to brush teeth and I did ask something along the line of "why is there still a need to 洗脸刷牙?"

and (2) the undertaker showed some pics of the racks of how the urns will be placed and it didn't look sturdy to me, because the urns are simply placed on the racks without encasement, unlike that of 光明山 and it looked like if one is not careful when paying respects during 清明, they may just accidentally brush against the urns. I did ask the undertaker something along the line of "no encasement?" I can't remember if I mentioned that it don't look sturdy and people paying respects may accidentally knock into the urns..

老师, thank you for the reply.

I forgot to mention.. After using the 花水, I got enter the deceased family house again. I did not go home straight from the void deck.

But before I enter my own house, I got use 石榴叶水 and sprinkle on my face, hands, feet and head.


I went to 3 花店 this morning and they do not have 七色花。Max was like 5 different colours only :( Is this ok?
麻疯柑 = kaffir lime?
After using to bathe, can others enter the toilet? Need to wait for like 3 hours before I go and gather the flowers on the flower before I throw away? Also, can the whole family use this 花水?

1. 到花店买七色花,麻疯柑柚叶. Total cost about $2. (麻疯柑: 3 for $1, 七色花: $0.50, 柚叶: $0.50)
2. 买了之后,把七色花,麻疯柑、柚叶拿去庙拜。献上去的时候,得放在用红色敬盘。买不买金纸无所谓。
3. 在佛教庙宇点香(一般就1/3支)。若在道教庙宇点香最少6柱(先玉皇上帝3支;后主神3支)。Approximate $2.50 for one packet with many items (蜡烛、香、糖果、金纸等等). If you are buying a packet, no problem. *The money goes into the temple fund,not kopi-luiwee.
4. 报出自己的名字,女儿的名字。先忏悔,然后禀明事情的经过,还有发生什么事情。最后才祈求。一下子求东又求西,菩萨爱莫能助。就非常针对性的祈求。“祈求 菩萨/神明帮助爱女XXX即日免受幽灵干扰,保佑解厄平安。花,柑、叶奉上,祈请神明/菩萨加持,给于爱女沐浴。" 
4i. 心态是要中马票求财,求什么都不会灵。求完之后,别乱讲话了。
5. 拜完之后,把七色花,麻疯柑、柚叶.带回家给女儿洗澡。
6. 把手洗干净,用干净水果小刀(不是切肉的菜刀)将麻疯柑切开,拧在装着水盆/桶中。Squeeze out the juice into the bucket.然后,将七色花以及柚叶加入。手不要伸入水里。
7. 等女儿洗完澡之后,才把花水和花/柑/叶,淋在女儿的头上。在浇水的时候,别碰她。
7i. 掉落的花/柑/叶,谁都不要踩到。花/柑/叶粘在身上,用水轻轻冲/吹掉。
8. 冲完花水之后,把她拉出来换上干净的衣服。这样就搞定了。
9. To clear up the mess, 用扫把扫起来 OR pick the waste (花/柑/叶) using your hands wrapped with plastics.
老师, I sometimes got light up kemayan incense in the room or smudge the house with dried sage leaves.

Light up kemayan incense liao, I'll close the room door and leave it to smudge the room. Or sometimes, I use sage to smudge the whole house. Are these good? When I was studying in California, I was told by a friend that a white magic witch told her that its good to use sage to smudge the house and crystals to get rid of negative energy. But I also read smoke may attract the 无形 entities.... May conflicting theories..
I forgot to mention.. After using the 花水, I got enter the deceased family house again. I did not go home straight from the void deck. But before I enter my own house, I got use 石榴叶水 and sprinkle on my face, hands, feet and head.

I went to 3 花店 this morning and they do not have 七色花。Max was like 5 different colours only :( Is this ok?
麻疯柑 = kaffir lime?
1. 七色花是自己配搭。不同品种的花最好。如果没有,同一个品种但不同色也可以。
2. Yes. 麻疯柑 = kaffir lime

After using to bathe, can others enter the toilet? Need to wait for like 3 hours before I go and gather the flowers on the flower before I throw away?
花瓣散落满地,不能踩。要用手捡的话,得要套plastic bag/gloves. 不然,最好用扫把扫进dust pan把花瓣倒掉。

Also, can the whole family use this 花水?
一包七色花花才$0.50. 装一大桶的水自己冲不是很好吗?再说,七色花在水均匀嘛。

准备花水的方法有很多,有些师父烧符、有些是灌咒etc. 老师所介绍冲花水的是简单的方式。Exact detail 没有写。
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老师, I sometimes got light up kemayan incense in the room or smudge the house with dried sage leaves. Light up kemayan incense liao, I'll close the room door and leave it to smudge the room. Or sometimes, I use sage to smudge the whole house. Are these good? When I was studying in California, I was told by a friend that a white magic witch told her that its good to use sage to smudge the house and crystals to get rid of negative energy. But I also read smoke may attract the 无形 entities.... May conflicting theories..

Using sage is alright. (related post #2 <- click) . 道教也有一种草,专门熏邪气。自己熏没有不妥。但是,始终是治标不治本。如果家里没肮脏东西的话,调整家居风水就可以了。另外一点,天天熏,ceiling 会turn yellow.


老师就认识两个玩水晶的疯子。什么功能的special and rare水晶, you name it they have it. 结果两个人的头脑有点sork-sork。

第一. 水晶不要建议摆设。常摸水晶属‘火’,摆水晶属‘土’。命格‘火’‘土’重的人就不建议碰水晶。
第二. 水晶是助缘体,会“变质”的。人好的时候就带动正面能量,人衰的时候就特别衰。


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Noted. :)

But I think you missed out my question of cleaning up the mess after bathing.. Can I clean up immediately? Or do I need to want for a few hours? Because some people say the flowers and lime will help rid of negative energy. So, suppose to leave the bathroom and close the bathroom door after using for 3 hours. No one is suppose to enter the bathroom during that time. After 3 hours, then clear up the mess with plastic gloves and dump them down the rubbish chute.

1. 七色花是自己配搭。不同品种的花最好。如果没有,同一个品种但不同色也可以。
2. Yes. 麻疯柑 = kaffir lime

花瓣散落满地,不能踩。要用手捡的话,得要套plastic bag/gloves. 不然,最好用扫把扫进dust pan把花瓣倒掉。

一包七色花花才$0.50. 装一大桶的水自己冲不是很好吗?再说,七色花在水均匀嘛。

准备花水的方法有很多,有些师父烧符、有些是灌咒etc. 老师所介绍冲花水的是简单的方式。Exact detail 没有写。

One of my friends got this fengshui master and he told her to buy crystals. Contain in a bowl and add water. We both think it was kinda dirty after it collect dust and the possibility of mosquitoes breeding. Then, the fengshui master told her, can use net or something to cover. But that's not the point right? Mosquitoes can still lay eggs there and dust will still collect.. Seriously, I think some fengshui masters advise without using their fat brains to think. LOL

老师, if the person's 8 pillars got earth and fire but is very small fire, is it advisable to wear/ use crystals? Is it recommended to use more fire stuffs or water stuffs? I read on a fengshui forum and there many conflicting opinions. (I'm just curious :D)


Using sage is alright. (related post #2 <- click) . 道教也有一种草,专门熏邪气。自己熏没有不妥。但是,始终是治标不治本。如果家里没肮脏东西的话,调整家居风水就可以了。另外一点,天天熏,ceiling 会turn yellow.


老师就认识两个玩水晶的疯子。什么功能的special and rare水晶, you name it they have it. 结果两个人的头脑有点sork-sork。

第一. 水晶不要建议摆设。常摸水晶属‘火’,摆水晶属‘土’。命格‘火’‘土’重的人就不建议碰水晶。
第二. 水晶是助缘体,会“变质”的。人好的时候就带动正面能量,人衰的时候就特别衰。


But I think you missed out my question of cleaning up the mess after bathing.. Can I clean up immediately?
Yes. You may.

Or do I need to want for a few hours? Because some people say the flowers and lime will help rid of negative energy. So, suppose to leave the bathroom and close the bathroom door after using for 3 hours. No one is suppose to enter the bathroom during that time. After 3 hours, then clear up the mess with plastic gloves and dump them down the rubbish chute.
可以直接用浴室/厕所。不需要等到3 hours.

One of my friends got this fengshui master and he told her to buy crystals. Contain in a bowl and add water. We both think it was kinda dirty after it collect dust and the possibility of mosquitoes breeding. Then, the fengshui master told her, can use net or something to cover. But that's not the point right? Mosquitoes can still lay eggs there and dust will still collect.. Seriously, I think some fengshui masters advise without using their fat brains to think.
1. 提议用水晶有他的理由。风水有分派系,不同风水包含的范围不一样。
2. 同时想赚点钱。


老师, if the person's 8 pillars got earth and fire but is very small fire, is it advisable to wear/ use crystals? Is it recommended to use more fire stuffs or water stuffs? I read on a fengshui forum and there many conflicting opinions. (I'm just curious :D)
1. 不建议任何人带水晶。如果收集水晶,就不建议继续买。
2. 要论总体格局,才能知道喜忌神。



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I can't agree more! 有的不仅超会吸顾客的钱,脾气又坏。Appointment 的时间又不准。迟到是理所当然。做风水audit 时,又匆匆忙忙。讲得有不清不楚 草草率率。 多问些 to clarify if understood correctly 又 display super attitude problem 又骂人又给顾客脸色看。 风水看了又要买东买西。需买的东西起码上万起的。也不管顾客是否付得起。不照他的话买 后果自负! 玩心理战。把顾客对玄学的无知当他吸钱的筹码。Act like they are bigger than god!他们或他们的子孙以后下场肯定不好!我就要看老天爷怎么收拾这些人。

Sorry for the rant. I really can't stand some of these famous fengshui "masters"! They are famous more like they got proper connections to appear on TV and publicize.. Not real powers..

老师,can this 花水 be prepared after we attend funeral even if we do not experience anything?

Can we bring the flowers to just any temple? Even those 阴庙 also ok?

Can we do it on any day or can only do it on 初一/十五?

What does 忏悔 mean? I used a translator and it translates to "repent". But at times, we do not have a choice when there is a need to a go to a funeral.

Thanks for explaining :)

老师早提醒了。为什么还是要夜归?7th Month - can go zoo?



1. 到花店买七色花,麻疯柑柚叶. Total cost about $2. (麻疯柑: 3 for $1, 七色花: $0.50, 柚叶: $0.50)
2. 买了之后,把七色花,麻疯柑、柚叶拿去庙拜。献上去的时候,得放在用红色敬盘。买不买金纸无所谓。
3. 在佛教庙宇点香(一般就1/3支)。若在道教庙宇点香最少6柱(先玉皇上帝3支;后主神3支)。Approximate $2.50 for one packet with many items (蜡烛、香、糖果、金纸等等). If you are buying a packet, no problem. *The money goes into the temple fund,not kopi-luiwee.
4. 报出自己的名字,女儿的名字。先忏悔,然后禀明事情的经过,还有发生什么事情。最后才祈求。一下子求东又求西,菩萨爱莫能助。就非常针对性的祈求。“祈求菩萨/神明帮助爱女XXX即日免受幽灵干扰,保佑解厄平安。花,柑、叶奉上,祈请神明/菩萨加持,给于爱女沐浴。" 
4i. 心态是要中马票求财,求什么都不会灵。求完之后,别乱讲话了。
5. 拜完之后,把七色花,麻疯柑、柚叶.带回家给女儿洗澡。
6. 把手洗干净,用干净水果小刀(不是切肉的菜刀)将麻疯柑切开,拧在装着水盆/桶中。Squeeze out the juice into the bucket.然后,将七色花以及柚叶加入。手不要伸入水里。
7. 等女儿洗完澡之后,才把花水和花/柑/叶,淋在女儿的头上。在浇水的时候,别碰她。
7i. 掉落的花/柑/叶,谁都不要踩到。花/柑/叶粘在身上,用水轻轻冲/吹掉。
8. 冲完花水之后,把她拉出来换上干净的衣服。这样就搞定了。
9. To clear up the mess, 用扫把扫起来 OR pick the waste (花/柑/叶) using your hands wrapped with plastics.


I am confused about the questions asked.

can this 花水 be prepared after we attend funeral even if we do not experience anything?
What do you mean "even if we do not experience anything?"?


You may prepare 花水 after funeral, provided 你不用进入家装水。

Can we bring the flowers to just any temple? Even those 阴庙 also ok?
What do you mean "bring the flowers to just any temple?"?



Can we do it on any day or can only do it on 初一/十五?
What do you mean "do it on any day or can only do it on 初一/十五?"?

What does 忏悔 mean? I used a translator and it translates to "repent". But at times, we do not have a choice when there is a need to a go to a funeral.


无意或者不小心做错事以及前世的罪业是要“忏悔”(chan hui)明白了吗?你去吊唁,有什么错事啊?

*Next time, please try to write in full sentence and seperate different subject. This way, easier for readers to read. :)
Referring to post #1309 <-click

老师,请问七月念经有什么避忌吗? 我的晚课都会在 11pm 之前做完。谢谢老师的回复 :):):)



Answering to your question, 避忌很多。在家煮来吃,打包去工作地方吃,少逛shopping,少外出。
老师谢谢您的回复。在家念经 okay 吧。阿飘不会在傍边听吗? 读到新闻随马航事故,台湾飞机坠机, air Algeria 不见。这也太巧了,都靠经七月。
Refer to post #1313 <- click

8)7月可以订购的furniture and送到家吗?

reply: 可以。天黑前带孩子赶快回家。

8)7月可以订购的furniture and送到家吗?
reply: 过了七月吧!
如果做梦被僵尸追,是什么意思? 我小时候曾做过3次同样的梦,梦境是一样的,它就从我旧家(在义顺)追着我,我是死命的跑,最候我被追到(不知道是不是万里)火葬厂,看火葬仪式。可又好像是火葬广场,看着熊熊火光就醒了。



回到家赶紧上3,4个锁, 锁上窗户。以为就此没事了。跟着他从我厨房窗户爬上来了!! 我马上移我的洗衣机烘干机来顶住窗口。我赶紧去开大门的锁,冲出屋外! 此时我以崩溃了。跑到隔壁座组屋哭泣。
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Lao shi, it is really enjoyable reading your replies. Learnt a lot fr there.

I had a bad exp last yr 15 July...think my boy (3 mth old) met the ah piao. My hub had to enchant some scriptures to calm him down.

We r super careful this yr. hope will b better.
Lao shi, it is really enjoyable reading your replies. Learnt a lot fr there.
I had a bad exp last yr 15 July...think my boy (3 mth old) met the ah piao. My hub had to enchant some scriptures to calm him down.
We r super careful this yr. hope will b better.
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如果做梦被僵尸追,是什么意思? 我小时候曾做过3次同样的梦,梦境是一样的,它就从我旧家(在义顺)追着我,我是死命的跑,最候我被追到(不知道是不是万里)火葬厂,看火葬仪式。可又好像是火葬广场,看着熊熊火光就醒了。
那是跟你亲人有关。福建话 - “上车了”


回到家赶紧上3,4个锁, 锁上窗户。以为就此没事了。跟着他从我厨房窗户爬上来了!! 我马上移我的洗衣机烘干机来顶住窗口。我赶紧去开大门的锁,冲出屋外! 此时我以崩溃了。跑到隔壁座组屋哭泣。

那是跟你亲人有关。福建话 - “上车了”


谢谢老师 。
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2013 除夕,清明,忌日,都有去拜。


她在30-7-2012 往生(农历6月12), ,而今年她农历忌日我没去拜拜因为当时我怀孕。我老公也没有去,因为碰巧那个礼拜他在国外。况且我以为修德善堂应该有打点吧。(可是我们得通知2013年8月善堂才办她的排位的,应为来不及在他们2012年的cut off date办) (*今年除夕在那万里的niche放骨灰那边,有跟她讲,可是不懂她懂吗)

And. 当时出殡了几天我曾经梦到她,她只是微笑,没说话。
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I got my tingkat contact - Yuan Xin from that forum. Cost $190 for 2 paxs. Dun deliver to west side though. So far so gd.. :p
Hi Judy,
I'm keen to try out veg catering for dinner. How do u find the food? Do they have alot of glutten stuff in the meal? I'm looking at more veg as I'm still on meat diet for lunch .
Hi samnnana,

Food is nice but mostly consists 1 green veg, 1 toufu dish, 1 mock meat & 1 soup. But like all other tingkat, after having more than 2 months of such dishes will still get sick of it.. (Esp. when I dun fancy mock meat) If only try for a month still ok.. Hope my sharing help.. :)
Hi samnnana,

Food is nice but mostly consists 1 green veg, 1 toufu dish, 1 mock meat & 1 soup. But like all other tingkat, after having more than 2 months of such dishes will still get sick of it.. (Esp. when I dun fancy mock meat) If only try for a month still ok.. Hope my sharing help.. :)

Hi Judy,
Thank you for sharing. I'll give it a try first! If u are changing to new caterer next time, let me know!

Welcome samnnana.. But I m not taking tingkat anymore cos my husband & I feel sick of eating tingkat food so I am cooking simple veg dishes myself now.. :p
