Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

Is there a temple with 注生娘娘 near telok blangah area? near one convent school.
is it the tian gong?

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光明山水陆法会报名 15 August 2014. Date of 法会 is 22-29 Nov 2014. Pls call 68495300, 68495333 to enquire :):)

I have been reading this thread for the past 2 weeks. From here, I knew that 水陆法会 is good. May I know exactly what's this and the procedure and how it can help us?

Thank you for the information.
Singapore buddhist lodge 居士林超度法会 $30 for each baby. Pls go down to register personally. Cash or cheque accepted. 法会 Is during 7 month.

光明山 also have 超度法会 during 7 month. Pls call to enquire price. If u miss this one, must wait for year end 水陆法会

Those who wants to 施棺 can do so at singapore buddhist lodge. Pls note its for within singapore only. They will use the $ to buy coffins for elderly who passed on. Those who stay at old folks home, hospitals Etc with no next of kins. No fixed amount, 随喜功德。u can also donate for a variety of items like 施药,vegetarian food, print sutras etc. all 随喜功德。:) hope the info helps anyone who wants to help out :)

I'm going down to register 超度 for my unborn chidren. May I know if there's a fixed amount for 施棺? The counter is at the canteen? Can I register at the office?
Thank you for the information.
终于有人读past postings了。
是花了不少时间。 不过能吸进脑的有限。I have short memory!

I'm glad to have chance upon this forum group, I have never study buddhism even though i workship 观世音娘娘 at home. I only know to pray with fruits and occasionally flowers on 初一, 十五 and 观音旦 (I will offer more like 寿桃etc...). I like to play 大悲咒 cd at home (day time) during these days (if i happen to be at home). The cd was a farewell gift (my first job) from my ex-colleague 17yrs ago. It was the also the 1st time I listen to chanting and I like this cd alot.
Samnnana, oops my apologies i cannot teach u what exactly to tell buddha cause the message u want to say may be different from mine :). My message is more on marriage ;):)
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Samnnana, oops my apologies i cannot teach u what exactly to tell buddha cause the message u want to say may be different from mine :). My message is more on marriage ;):)
What I mean is what to say to goddess on this day? Eg: we said happy birthday to people on their birthday. It's ok.



《封神英雄榜》The First Myth


Channel 8
每逢星期一至五,晚上7点 (starts at 7pm)
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是花了不少时间。 不过能吸进脑的有限。I have short memory!

I'm glad to have chance upon this forum group, I have never study buddhism even though i workship 观世音娘娘 at home.
全新加坡就只有这个forum,玄学+民俗+命理+灵异的资料最多。Confirm no other local forum. :)

老师好奇,请问您有受过三皈五戒吗? 纯粹好奇, 别无它意 :):):)

有位认识的人告诉我她是天道教的,源自于台湾。教的宗旨是信一切教, 一切教都是统一的。但我 google 也没找到这教。請問老师有听过天道吗?
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hi 老师,你好, 我想请教你几个问题:
1)扫把星 - 若一个人命反这颗星,how is it going to affect his life?
2)孤煞/辰星- from what I heard was that若一个人命反这颗星, his life journey will be really difficult and lonely including marriage life. How true is this? Is there anyway to remedy?
Thank you.
Hi toblerone 老师,

I had been following and reading this thread and am wondering if you can advise more on animal liberation? I have been wanting to liberate animals for a long time and am quite confused on the chanting of sutras before liberation.

If I do not know how to chant sutras, can I still do the liberation myself? Or will joining temple animal liberation events be better in this case?

Do I need to go temple and pray and tell deity that I will be doing so?

1)扫把星 - 若一个人命反这颗星,how is it going to affect his life?

‘扫把’给人联想到衰('swaay'in hokkien). 走起衰运,躲不掉。

先讲‘天罗地网关’。‘天罗地网关’- 是由两个神主宰厄运,即是‘天罗大星’以及‘地网煞星’(统称为‘天地双煞’)。犯此煞的人频频出意外。另一种叫‘十恶大败星’,是由十个厄运天星在主宰。很多人会因此而不顺利。每个人都会犯,只是层次不同。要怎么化解,老师不讲。

在命理上,带铁扫命的人不少。带铁扫命的人相当惨,尤其是女性。男人娶了个铁扫命的女人,肯定完蛋了!严重的铁扫命就败家,丈夫赚多少花多少,妻子spend money like water. Wife becomes problematic to husband. 到时候,闹到要离婚,千万不要怪丈夫了。世界上有哪个丈夫受得了妻子爱美、爱花、爱吵、爱闹、爱哭、爱耍脾气、爱唠叨呀?丈夫在外面搞小三,能怪得了谁呢?
2)孤煞/辰星- from what I heard was that若一个人命反这颗星, his life journey will be really difficult and lonely including marriage life. How true is this? Is there anyway to remedy?
你说的应该是‘孤辰寡宿’。又称绝情煞/隔角煞。古人常说『男怕孤、女怕寡』 ,男命:为人孤独。女命:为人独立。若命中有‘孤辰寡宿’,是有办法减弱,不能去除,因为就在命根里了。一般有‘孤辰寡宿’,不太对婚姻有力,但是并不一定代表会离婚。(Two seperate issues.)要是有离婚命,流年/年运将近就真的准备离婚了。到底有没有办法化解‘孤辰寡宿’呢?是有的,但不容易。没“签字”还好,一“签字”就不能挽回。随缘。

四柱八字定终生了,baby一生出来就有定数了。换句话说,baby长大后的命运走向已经定了!祖/父母积德,生出来的孩子就ok. 祖/父母缺德,生出来的孩子就麻烦。父债子还,上天公平的。所以,老师才说,怀孕时赶快吃素念佛,忏悔、积德(即是消业)。要不然,孩子出世后,很头痛也麻烦。

要学八字,没有无师自通。没拜师不行的。没有师父指点,可能会误导或偏差。老师指的是,真正要跪在师父面前才算。从中跟师父学内德、圆滑、谦虚、忍辱、道德、道理等等。上那种lesson based the classroom,真的没有用也会浪费钱。因为,教课的只想赚钱,下课后拍拍屁股说thank you,不会把秘诀传给阿狗阿猫。很多人报名之后,学了点皮毛,就以为自己能做大师/师父。真的是kepala susa.
Do I need to go temple and pray and tell deity that I will be doing so?

It has been mentioned in the past.
If I do not know how to chant sutras, can I still do the liberation myself?
Answering this question, yes, you may. '放生' - 涵盖了三布施(财、法、无畏)。不会念,就少了‘法施’,但却还有财施与无畏施。

Or will joining temple animal liberation events be better in this case?
yes, you may. '放生' - 涵盖了三布施(财、法、无畏)。不会念,就少了‘法施’,没花时间精力去买,就少了‘无畏施’,但却还有财施可得,因为寺庙用你舍出去的财替你买。

Always remember:
1. 寺庙买鱼一般会jack up价钱,有可能一部分的钱,拿去做寺庙的开销。寺庙拿公众的钱去做寺庙的开销,是没错但与你无关。
2. 寺庙/自己要是去提早去订购鱼来放生,对不起了,那是不如理也不如法!

有位认识的人告诉我她是天道教的,源自于台湾。教的宗旨是信一切教, 一切教都是统一的。但我 google 也没找到这教。請問老师有听过天道吗?


很多人不明白天道,开始诽谤。更惨的是,没鬼眼没神眼通,所三倒四。比方说你念到小学程度,老师拿PhD的research thesis给你看,你看得懂吗?看不懂,绝对不能说research thesis是瞎扯。学佛也是一样,对其他的宗教不了解时,完全不用质疑不要怀疑。


很多年前,老师经过这座尊贵的天道法堂(Upper Serangoon Road before MRT station is built),当时很像在办法会,孤魂野鬼都被神兵天将挡外面。天底下,恐怕就只有法堂有这个威力。


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老师,谢谢您回复。我明白了。认识的那位友人是懵懵懂懂跟随家人信的,也不是很懂什么是天道,问时支支吾吾,但告诉我以前是被列为邪教但现在不是了。倒勾起我的好奇心哈哈。First time I hear this religion. 我不敢毁谤别的宗教,若造了口业,我得背。面对一切宗教就恭敬对待总没错。:):)
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yes, you may. '放生' - 涵盖了三布施(财、法、无畏)。不会念,就少了‘法施’,没花时间精力去买,就少了‘无畏施’,但却还有财施可得,因为寺庙用你舍出去的财替你买。

Always remember:
1. 寺庙买鱼一般会jack up价钱,有可能一部分的钱,拿去做寺庙的开销。寺庙拿公众的钱去做寺庙的开销,是没错但与你无关。
2. 寺庙/自己要是去提早去订购鱼来放生,对不起了,那是不如理也不如法!


Thank you 老师 for the reply.

I understand that a lot of temples pre-order fishes from fish farms to liberate, which is why I'm uncomfortable. I've been wanting to do animal liberation for a long time, but there seems to be forces keeping me away from it :(

I read from past posts of a mummy posting that there are cattle liberation in Sri Lanka. However, we will not be able to attend the event in Sri Lanka. Will this be better than liberate those pre-ordered fishes?


I used to frequent 四马路观音堂. But in the recent years, I find that after that things do not go smoothly for me and have since stopped going. Is there a reason why this is happening? Nowadays, even when my family wants to go there, I'll avoid.
老师,谢谢您回复。我明白了。认识的那位友人是懵懵懂懂跟随家人信的,也不是很懂什么是天道,问时支支吾吾,但告诉我以前是被列为邪教但现在不是了。倒勾起我的好奇心哈哈。First time I hear this religion. 我不敢毁谤别的宗教,若造了口业,我得背。面对一切宗教就恭敬对待总没错。:):)
天道。。 道本自然,他不属于“教”。 主要以儒家教育倡导做人的根本,如八德。。。etc... 在本地,很多素食馆都是天道弟子开的。
Hi 老师你好,

想问你 about karma related to 因果... I just realized my mother in law likes to cook a lot of rice for dinner and the next day always left a lot of leftover that my husband's grandma have no choice but to finish it as she told me she doesn't like to waste food and sometimes it is really too much got to throw away in the bin. I remember u mentioned in the past try not to put ancestor photos in the house. I saw my mother in law actually placed her late mother's photo beside her bed or in front of her bed, is that advisable to be good or bad?

I have been trying for 3 years dunno and just wondering is it because of these that causes n should I do anything to let her know?

Hi princess leopard, teacher already replied at post 867 the question you asked :). Another person has asked the same question. Hope this helps :)

超度是做一次,吗? 还是我每年都要做呢?
Reply: 不应一次就成功。超度不必特别安排。清明节、农历七月、水陆法会有办。收费不贵,价钱公开的。Mentioned in the past (in this thread)。 其他的mummies可以帮你answer.
Hi princess leopard, teacher already replied at post 867 the question you asked :). Another person has asked the same question. Hope this helps :)

超度是做一次,吗? 还是我每年都要做呢?
Reply: 不应一次就成功。超度不必特别安排。清明节、农历七月、水陆法会有办。收费不贵,价钱公开的。Mentioned in the past (in this thread)。 其他的mummies可以帮你answer.

Thanks rubilite!
想问你 about karma related to 因果... I just realized my mother in law likes to cook a lot of rice for dinner and the next day always left a lot of leftover that my husband's grandma have no choice but to finish it as she told me she doesn't like to waste food and sometimes it is really too much got to throw away in the bin.

如果,食物坏了,得扔的。总不能长期吃,害自己中stomach ulcer/cancer, gallstone,到时花钱看病更多。晚上吃5-7分饱就ok,不用煮多。



I remember u mentioned in the past try not to put ancestor photos in the house. I saw my mother in law actually placed her late mother's photo beside her bed or in front of her bed, is that advisable to be good or bad?
小小mini size照片无所谓,大张挂/摆出来不行。挂大大张床头照片,挂久迟早有麻烦。

像这你的种情况,往生了就收起来。要是家婆整天提起她妈妈的事,一直思念她妈妈。那么,老师建议买一本nice album把照片收起来。先征求你家婆的同意,不然她老人家不高兴。谈话有技巧,不能硬来。

I have been trying for 3 years dunno and just wondering is it because of these that causes n should I do anything to let her know? 谢谢

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I used to frequent 四马路观音堂. But in the recent years, I find that after that things do not go smoothly for me and have since stopped going. Is there a reason why this is happening? Nowadays, even when my family wants to go there, I'll avoid.



人烦躁的时候,求观音菩萨给你小小小小机会让你爬起来。当你快爬起来的时候,不是侥幸是真的应验了。你有靠自己出力,菩萨给你5%。你有靠自己出力又加愿力,菩萨增加extra 10% (total 15%) 。菩萨给人机会是要这个人醒,接下来消业。

