Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

Your wife might be pregnant, maybe it's still early for her to test, you might wanna wait a few more days and would suggest getting a better test kit.. Good luck to you..

hi sweetmelody, thanks for your information, if my wife really pregnant need to bring her back to pray to zsnn again, cause we request for a child and took two red egg :)

hi mercury blue..u should ask ur wife to test 1 wk ltr.is too early to test as some kit might not detect the hcg level in e body yet...
u can try 1 wk ltr n only test early in e morning when u wake up..which e urine will be e most concentrated..

good luck :)
hi mercury blue..u should ask ur wife to test 1 wk ltr.is too early to test as some kit might not detect the hcg level in e body yet...
u can try 1 wk ltr n only test early in e morning when u wake up..which e urine will be e most concentrated..

good luck :)

hi Jesmin0918,

noted for your information :)
Hi all,

I need your advise. My wife have miss the period for 3 days including today is 4th day, her period suppose to come on 11th april friday but did not came. We tested on two pregnancy test kits show negative. Her last day of period is on 19th march, any possibility she might be pregnant?

Any ladies would like to advise me.


Hi you should ask your wife to test 10 days after she misses her period.
If pregnant you can go zsnn temple to pray for thanks.
Ladies, I m at zsnn temple now & saw some red eggs but really limited...Hi Melody, I realised I missed yr post and wanted to inform all the ladies here to collect the red eggs. Thk u vy much, Melody!!
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Welcome, many baby dust to you! I only delivered 31 red eggs to be exact and today is zsnn's birthday (which is also my son's blessed first month) so im guessing many people will be praying to her. When i left the temple there's hardly anybody there. Hopefully there is enough to go around. =/
Hi Toblerone,
May I know chao du for miscarriage at early stage,is it better to go for 佛教 ?or 道教also can?
道教 - 恐怕不行。得要天师级以上。老师见过张天师的后代(现在他就在鹰潭龙虎山)。正宗的天师级的道长,相信就只有他做的到(超度)。其他道教门派,力量还很远。其中原因之一是,道士吃荤的. 身体肮脏的要命,道士自己都搞不定了。在丧事的道教仪式,>90%是不成功的。因为,魂魄没有走。

佛教 - 办超度好很多。佛教的法师有不少有功力但没法力。和尚得要真修才行。法师有没有真修,老师一看就知道和尚尼姑有没有练到家。不是所有的和尚/尼姑都能做超度。有修为的和尚/尼姑,超度完之后魂魄就离开。

道教 - 恐怕不行。得要天师级以上。老师见过张天师的后代(现在他就在鹰潭龙虎山)。正宗的天师级的道长,相信就只有他做的到(超度)。其他道教门派,力量还很远。其中原因之一是,道士吃荤的. 身体肮脏的要命,道士自己都搞不定了。在丧事的道教仪式,>90%是不成功的。因为,魂魄没有走。

佛教 - 办超度好很多。佛教的法师有不少有功力但没法力。和尚得要真修才行。法师有没有真修,老师一看就知道和尚尼姑有没有练到家。不是所有的和尚/尼姑都能做超度。有修为的和尚/尼姑,超度完之后魂魄就离开。


老师, 想请问您哪里可以真正为未出世的孩子超度?感恩。
Hi Hi

Newbie here. Just wanted to check if anyone will be bring any red eggs to ZSNN temple at Toa Payoh on 19th/20th? And I saw on previous entry that can bring flowers to present to ZSNN during prayers? Is there any specific kind of flowers? Appreciate kind advice!
Many Thanks!

Can anyone advice what i need to bring to pray ZSNN?
I have mentioned in the past.
Please read from the beginning of this thread.
Many useful information.
Thanks Fishb0n3,
Me and my hubby were there and took the eggs too. We were very excited and after took two eggs, we went to pray for ZNSS and made some donations


I have mentioned in the past. Lots of information. Use search engine. Or, read [1][2].
三时系念法会 - 超度 (24 & 25 May 2014)

冥阳两利 - 人受加持、鬼魂解脱​

Venue: Opposite of 四马路观音堂(see picture -> (1)(2))
Date of Registration: 29 April and 13 May 2014
Time: Between 10.30am and 5.00pm
费用: F.O.C
1. 提供往生者的名字。冤亲债主、婴灵都可以超度。
2. You need to provide your name and contact number to the person in charge.

Venue: MBS Expo and Convention Centre (click here for map) Level 1 Hall C
Date: 24 and 25 May 2014
Time: Between 0730 and 1950hr
费用: F.O.C
Meal: F.O.C
1. Volunteers will help you on that day. No need to worry.
2. 不会念经不用怕。
3. 法会当日就静静、不要乱说话。保持严肃。
4. 详细资料,登记写牌位的时候,可以问清楚。

灾难越来越多了。先消旧业,然后再消新业。诚心忏悔吧!老师有时头都磕到blue black/破皮了。

想生孩子,要找工作,婚姻麻烦等等,皆由旧业引起。赶紧除前世旧业(Please use the forum search engine. I have mentioned in the past postings)。别光只求注生娘娘, 自己也得要忏悔还债。
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老师, 想请问您哪里可以真正为未出世的孩子超度?感恩。
I have mentioned in the past. Read from the beginning of this thread. Or, use search engine.

One coming soon. See above post. Or, wait till lunar 7th month.
I went to bugis too. And got a bad lot... Actually most of my lot at bugis were very accurate in the past. So I am also disheartened when I got the bad lot. It sort of mean "大海捞针"seeking for needle in the sea.
I have mentioned in the past about lot divination. Use search engine or read from the beginning of this thread.

After reading this thread I realize need to do something for my miscarriages so I wanna seek Lao shi advice on what to do but seems like she is busy lately.
Yes. Busy.

I have mentioned in the past. Search the forum.
I have mentioned in the past. Read from the beginning of this thread. Or, use search engine.

One coming soon. See above post. Or, wait till lunar 7th month.


I have read some past posts of this thread, someone have mentioned if we are having menses, not advisable to pray in temple, 我今早在城隍庙拜了注生娘娘,I am at CD4 today, still have very light spotting, 请问我这样是不是对神明不敬?我需要回去道歉吗?
Hi Toblerone 老师,
If I have prayed to zhu sheng niang niang at two different temple before, do I need to return my same promise at the two different temple if my wish has been granted?
Thanks in advance.

老师,can advise? Thanks in advance.

I have read some past posts of this thread, someone have mentioned if we are having menses, not advisable to pray in temple, 我今早在城隍庙拜了注生娘娘,I am at CD4 today, still have very light spotting, 请问我这样是不是对神明不敬?我需要回去道歉吗?


老师,can advise? Thanks in advance.
Hi Toblerone 老师,
If I have prayed to zhu sheng niang niang at two different temple before, do I need to return my same promise at the two different temple if my wish has been granted?
Thanks in advance.
很多人误解,注生娘娘庙有很多。祈求应验了之后,才去随便一间还愿。反正注生娘娘是一样的。Save time save trouble. 其实,这样是不行。

三时系念法会 - 超度 (24 & 25 May 2014)

冥阳两利 - 人受加持、鬼魂解脱​

Venue: Opposite of 四马路观音堂(see picture -> (1)(2))
Date of Registration: 29 April and 13 May 2014
Time: Between 10.30am and 5.00pm
费用: F.O.C
1. 提供往生者的名字。冤亲债主、婴灵都可以超度。
2. You need to provide your name and contact number to the person in charge.

Venue: MBS Expo and Convention Centre (click here for map) Level 1 Hall C
Date: 24 and 25 May 2014
Time: Between 0730 and 1950hr
费用: F.O.C
Meal: F.O.C
1. Volunteers will help you on that day. No need to worry.
2. 不会念经不用怕。
3. 法会当日就静静、不要乱说话。保持严肃。
4. 详细资料,登记写牌位的时候,可以问清楚。

灾难越来越多了。先消旧业,然后再消新业。诚心忏悔吧!老师有时头都磕到blue black/破皮了。

想生孩子,要找工作,婚姻麻烦等等,皆由旧业引起。赶紧除前世旧业(Please use the forum search engine. I have mentioned in the past postings)。别光只求注生娘娘, 自己也得要忏悔还债。

Hi Laoshi,

Do we have to register for the event? Is it a all day event? Must we attend both days? Sorry if I sound silly.
终于等到您了。请您帮帮我。我之前有 PM 您。不知您是否收到? 我再贴上:



如今为了再求一子,我每天都到佛堂念观音菩萨佛号和普门品,抄地藏菩萨本愿经,然后回响给众生,回响给冤情债主,回响给不孕的妇女等。我也尽量吃斋。我想请问我的功课是否足够? 因为这一次我求菩萨大发慈悲给我能自然受孕。

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终于等到您了。请您帮帮我。我之前有 PM 您。不知您是否收到? 我再贴上:
I have more than 20 mails haven't cleared.

如今为了再求一子,我每天都到佛堂念观音菩萨佛号和普门品,抄地藏菩萨本愿经,然后回响给众生,回响给冤情债主,回响给不孕的妇女等。我也尽量吃斋。我想请问我的功课是否足够? 因为这一次我求菩萨大发慈悲给我能自然受孕。
"抄地藏菩萨本愿经,然后回响给众生,回响给冤情债主,回响给不孕的妇女等。" -


老师有提起过《藏菩萨本愿经》最好不要碰。“回响”不要。Mentioned in the past. Use the search engine in this forum.



有几位有念(in this forum)都躲起来了。其中一位,老公失业很久,后来找到工作了。

还有一位(not in this forum),他没工作念到有工作。
老师谢谢您的提示,其实在我第一次贴上要受孕的事后,不久婚姻就面临破裂。所以我又发了 PM 给您让您看我新的作业。我想在我婚姻没能美满的当下不应该谈小孩。所以老师请您有空帮我看看如何精进的把功课做好。菩萨要帮忙,我们也得诚信,苦才能让人更精进。我会发 PM 给您告诉你事情的来龙去脉,之前的就不必看了。真的真的非常感谢。
Lao Shi,

May i check if i had already chao du for my miscarriages at TPY shuang lin shi, can i do it again at the next month event?
Toblerone, can I also check if a women has abortion before and is currently pregnant, is it advisable for her to go for chaodu now or is it better to wait until after her pregnancy? Thank you.
老师谢谢您的提示,其实在我第一次贴上要受孕的事后,不久婚姻就面临破裂。所以我又发了 PM 给您让您看我新的作业。我想在我婚姻没能美满的当下不应该谈小孩。所以老师请您有空帮我看看如何精进的把功课做好。菩萨要帮忙,我们也得诚信,苦才能让人更精进。我会发 PM 给您告诉你事情的来龙去脉,之前的就不必看了。真的真的非常感谢。
1. One child is good enough for now. Settle family issue first. 这种情况,搞定家庭先。以后,才顺其自然怀孕。
2. 会读你写的。


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Lao Shi,
May i check if i had already chao du for my miscarriages at TPY shuang lin shi, can i do it again at the next month event?
No harm. In fact, can do every year. I have mentioned in the past before.

成功超度罕见。现在的“Nam Mo Lou”(In Cantonese)(In Chinese,南无佬),成功rate 50-50罢了。
Toblerone, can I also check if a women has abortion before and is currently pregnant, is it advisable for her to go for chaodu now or is it better to wait until after her pregnancy? Thank you.

第一. 人多的关系。行动不方便。最好是在家里,哪里都不要去。
第二. 办这类超度,“杂巴琅”鬼通通被引去的。因此,孕妇避开。
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Case Study 1
住在Potong Pasir, 一位60岁的uncle五年前严重中风。大小便很麻烦,进食要放进鼻子的管,讲话模模糊糊,得靠他女儿帮助,真的很拖累人的。


在医学上证实是 stroke. 得靠药物,物理治疗才可能康复。实际上,这种例子不会完全康复的。女鬼一天不离开他身体,吃再贵都很难好。最多稍微有起色,要不然第二中风。

Case Study 2
One SAF Officer (Captain rank) sign on 10 years (一人之下,万人之上的军官)。Pay is more than $5000. 可惜好景不长。现在离婚了. 儿子归他抚养。目前在contruction company打工,日晒雨淋,给人喊来喊去。他的case也headache. 在外面无端端惹来了。

老师写了不少因果例子。Search past postings. 末法期,报应可以很快。
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第一. 人多的关系。行动不方便。最好是在家里,哪里都不要去。
第二. 办这类超度,“杂巴琅”鬼通通被引去的。因此,孕妇避开。

Thank you.

2 years ago, I went to Bangkok and prayed to the 4-face buddha for a baby. I had a miscarriage before that. I promised to return the favour when my baby is born healthily, as I do not want to travel during pregnancy. Within 3 months, I was pregnant but again miscarriage.

Next month I am going to Bangkok. Can I check with you:

1) Do I need to return the favour? I did get pregnant but end up in miscarriage again. If need to, how do I pray?
2) Can I pray for another baby again?

Please advice. Thanks in advance!

If i prayed to zsnn 1 yr ago when i was trying naturally but did not succeed. Now if i succeed thru ivf, do i still needs to return favour to zsnn?
2 years ago, I went to Bangkok and prayed to the 4-face buddha for a baby. I had a miscarriage before that. I promised to return the favour when my baby is born healthily, as I do not want to travel during pregnancy. Within 3 months, I was pregnant but again miscarriage.

Next month I am going to Bangkok. Can I check with you:
1) Do I need to return the favour? I did get pregnant but end up in miscarriage again. If need to, how do I pray?

经济可以的话,请舞伎跳舞。傍边有泰国传统舞伎平台,可以询问价钱,应该不贵。还没请舞伎之前,跟天王说“XXX聘用舞伎答谢大焚天王... ...”。拜完之后,静静离开。不要像日本、老外游客跟佛菩萨摆pose拍照。

2) Can I pray for another baby again?

祈求的话 - 献香香的玫瑰花、玫瑰茶、玫瑰水、玫瑰糖等等。要有发出玫瑰香味。

1. 供给佛菩萨的鲜花和水果不要嗅。
2. 准备要点香时,不能用蜡烛的火。必须是油灯的火,或者,打火机的火。
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经济可以的话,请舞伎跳舞。傍边有泰国传统舞伎平台,可以询问价钱,应该不贵。还没请舞伎之前,跟天王说“XXX聘用舞伎答谢大焚天王... ...”。拜完之后,静静离开。不要像日本、老外游客跟佛菩萨摆pose拍照。


祈求的话 - 献香香的玫瑰花、玫瑰茶、玫瑰水、玫瑰糖等等。要有发出玫瑰香味。


Thank you Laoshi!
