Recent content by Xinz

  1. X

    OCT 2020

    we have a private telegram chat for oct 2020. Do pm pinkhairclip or me your telegram id if u will like to join.
  2. X

    OCT 2020

    Hi mummies, we have a private telegram chat for oct 2020. Fo pm pinkhairclip or me your telegram id if u will like to join.
  3. X

    anyone has very high rubella antibody aft blood test?

    jus got my blood test and detected very high rubella antibody which is 2-3 times more than usual ppl. am at 23weeks...anyone has the same symptoms?
  4. X

    (2014/09) September 2014 worries not stranger...i was so blur i gave my own other email account...STM kicking in
  5. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Sorry dear! It's [email protected]
  6. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Hi can add my hubby in the FB September mums n dad's group? [email protected]
  7. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    I meant c u
  8. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    oic maybe will c y during checkup :)
  9. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Hi @tanja78 Yeap shld be with him as it's nearer my house and he deliver at mount A. U went to him before?
  10. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Hi all may I know usually how are the antenatal and delivery package like? Saw DR Hii it's about 1800 for normal delivery include ultrasound scan and all antenatal consultation...
  11. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Thanks Quinxus!
  12. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Hi ourlittlepony, hehe...thanks! just wanna go for a check to be assured and understand they would want to do a vagina scan to check first? Meanwhile, looking out for gynae who does deliver at Mount A :) anyone has any recommendation?
  13. X

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Hi all just tested positive yesterday using 2 strips...gonna head to the gynae for a confirmation later. :)
