Recent content by simplybeauty

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    rainbow-abby POLO Ralph

    hi there contact details emailed to you. But item 2, stock is still available.
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    rainbow-abby POLO Ralph

    hi there fund transferred. pls acknowledge and confirm order. thanks To Account POSB Savings 118-45094-9 Rainbowabby Amount S$38.54 Transaction Reference 10075600308
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    EUROSTAR --- Abercrombie & Fitch spree 75% off REDLINE fast spree

    hi there, let me know if taking order. thanks.
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    rainbow-abby POLO Ralph

    Hi there, my order Striped Ruffled Bubble Pink (alt color if OOS blue) 3Mth $8.99...
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    Amazon Spree (Dreamz) - CGW/Free Shipping (PP/Kovan/Bishan/TPY)

    hi keen on these 3 items, can you help est the shipping cost to reach SG? how much to pay in total.thanks! $27+free shipping...
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    hi Diamonds Mum, pradasari is the brand name or product name? i am staying in east side. but cant find any malay shops in my area. u know of any? Thanks!
