Recent content by pt_sky

  1. P

    Little neuro tree

    Just to share my experience with LNT..BTW, i have withdrawn my son from their Bugis HQ last month. The program and teacher and quality of materials are very good for the past 2 years. only started off recently that things are not right.. My son was with them the Bugis centre (HQ) since...
  2. P

    Little neuro tree

    i sent my son to their bugis HS when he turned 9 months old...think the earliest that i heard of is 6 months of my sons class mates..she is indeed very good...start early.thats my advice!
  3. P

    Little neuro tree

    Best to start right brain stimulation is 0-6 years old according to Prof shichida...
  4. P

    <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> 2010

    I have a new born recently...Will be going for shichida..since already experience LNT. We still make use of their principles for home practise...So..
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    <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> 2010

    Just some feedback regarding Little neuro tree....personal experience that i had with them. My son was with them the Bugis centre (HQ) since nine months old. almost 2 years now with them.. But recently due to some incidence, i have since withdrawn my son from attending... Few of their...
  6. P

    Advice on DH not interested in sex

    alternatively,may be yr appearance after giving birth really turn him down?? body shape? hygiene?? odour??fashin sense??
  7. P

    Advice on DH not interested in sex

    very cannot live without sex formore than a month...unless due to health reasons..he have someone elsewhere doing it with careful!
  8. P

    Tips to conceive?

    got to wake up and do at "3-4am"...isn't that itself stressful?? hahaha! we all sleep around midnight nowadays..only special holiday then got to mood to do then!! haha
  9. P

    Processing of Placenta ?

    For those that have tried, can share comsumption experience? what are some of the prominent benefits experienced ?? Thanks, sky mum
  10. P

    Processing of Placenta ?

    pls pm me too on the contact for mommycozy haven...thanks,
  11. P

    The Shichida Method in Singapore?

    i strongly believe from 0-3 years at least, right brain should be the focus...then onwards, may be we can focus on whole brain. Thus my new born will be going to Shichida or any other that focus much on right brain. Not many...There are quite a few on whole brain...So, not so worry.. The...
  12. P

    The Shichida Method in Singapore?

    i just withdraw my son from Little neuro tree from this term onwards. Few of the main teachers (previously from shichida) left and also the main course designer. The teachers seems to lose heart and not as motivated as previous to teach. Their materials also never renew as frequent as...
  13. P

    Fun Enrichment Classes for 1 year olds?

    For Little neuro tree, i have since withdrawn my son from attending... Few of their main teachers and course designer have left the company. And their boss (David Ng) who is also the master franchisor for this program seems to have big cash flow problem. At his Bugis centre, almost everyday...
  14. P

    Fun Enrichment Classes for 1 year olds?

    Baby jumper gym, any feedback from parents who attended?
  15. P

    Shichida and Little Neuro Tree

    Not sure about other centres. But this is my experience in the Bugis centre (LNT headquarter) and David Ng is the actual boss/franchisor behind Little neuro tree. So, eventually this will affect other centres too. I am still searching for another good program that can replace them...
