Recent content by Mycreativemi

  1. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi, if you are referred to clinic D @ kkh via polyclinic, you will be a subsidised patient. Clinic D is also a clinic for patient with fertility prob. Usually for first few visits, doc will ordered test for blood,scan,u/s,sperm test and medicine to see where your problem lies. The amt paid are...
  2. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Yes, can use medisave for full so-iui at kkh. Mine total up to $1900 including all the medicine, injections done by nurse, scan and review by doc. Some minor admin fee and tests are not included.
  3. M

    2016/11 (Nov) babies

    Someone invited me but i cant seem to see the group only friend with the invite person.. ?
  4. M

    2016/11 (Nov) babies

    Hi , This is my first pregnancy, waiting for 1st u/s coming thur. pls add me into fb [email protected] . Thks!
