Recent content by MsRainbow

  1. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Hi dear, can I check with you how's op? Eg staying with NICU and caring for the baby. My baby is 5 months and so far just follow-up check ups. Prof Tan said next appointment in Aug and we will have to discuss and plan for the surgery.
  2. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Thank you dear!!! Jiayou tgt!!!
  3. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Yes for my baby's case it's TOF. So need valve replacement n patching of VSD.
  4. M

    Hole in heart for child

    I was assigned to Dr Jonathan during my antenatal check then baby's follow up after birth.
  5. M

    Hole in heart for child

    I see, for baby's case usually it's feeding cos I understand it's their "exercise" as compared to toddlers and children. So I dun force but to see how much he wants. But he's an impatient eater lol and likes to drink, so I play by ear each time.
  6. M

    Hole in heart for child

    I'm following up with Dr Jonathan Choo mainly. But have seen Prof Tan once.
  7. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Hi dear, same here. Baby is happy and cute, and he's also panting abit while drinking, but will stop n continue. I burp him to take a break. I just v scared if he cries. So I minimise that too but responding quickly to his needs. Thank you for your encouragement! He's gonna be a strong fighter!
  8. M

    Hole in heart for child

    He's such a strong boy! He will be fine! In these past months, is there anything to take note while taking care of him cos my son is only 7 weeks and I'm also worried while waiting for the op. He's such a happy bubbly baby now!
  9. M

    Hole in heart for child

    I see, then meanwhile is the child feeding or playing ok?
  10. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Hi dear, how old is your child already? Yes indeed, the best solution is to do a surgery for e best long term outcome. I'm also following up at KKH Cardiac and the doc said it will be best for baby to grow to 8kg or 6mth/8mths to perform the surgery. My baby is now 7 weeks old and we just have...
  11. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Hi dear, sorry to hear this but your boy will be ok I'm sure. The feelings u are going through is overwhelming and I can relate to that. Right now, what did the doctor in the govt hosp said abt the timing of the surgery? Will it be soon?
  12. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Thank you dear...I'm grateful that u and Rhea_ling stepped in at this moment. We conceived the baby through IVF and we weren't expecting a positive. However, we were delighted when the nurse told us tt we are pregnant. When we got to know abt the TOF part, we teared... We tried to do what we can...
  13. M

    Hole in heart for child

    This has a few problem but apparently a few surgeries can help.. Of course it comes with risks.. I will remain hopeful and let our amniocentesis results and doctors advise us on the most appropriate action to take. Fingers crossed
  14. M

    Hole in heart for child

    Yes this is our first baby... I have read up online and know this can be fixed aft birth. But at the same time we are afraid of the impact on his quality of life... I also saw some parents decided to terminate the pregnancy because of the complications. Sigh... I worried if we push through, is...
  15. M

    Hole in heart for child

    I read up and there was a period of info overload and we were so frightened and thought about the worst case scenarios...but we'll see what the team said and hopefully surgery can help. At this point, it's definitely emotionally overwhelming...
