Recent content by chloebun

  1. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    My office got room to pump but my boss just hinted to my team mate to reconsider bfing- need to prioritise. Like whut.!
  2. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Haha ya babe.. Really stressed with work so only time to check facebook.. Once in a long while check forum! Hows u?? Are u on fb?
  3. chloebun

    Mount A Antenatal classes?

    Hi, anyone tried the mount A childbirth classes? How is it compared with TMC?
  4. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I feel the throbbing but i think its more of our own heartbeat or placenta pumping blood to bb.. Bn heart beat is way faster than ours- and i was thinking if kick, will not be so rhythmic..? I want to feel bb kick soon!!
  5. chloebun

    Opinion on antenatal/ prenatal classes

    Anyone tried sgh antenatal/prenatal classes from SGH?
  6. chloebun

    Anyone went travelling in their first trimester?

    Hi babe i didnt go in the end cos i didnt want to take any risk at all. We had to forfeit the tickets and incur penalty charges but at least it gave me a better peace of mind then going and then worrying if all will be ok..
  7. chloebun

    Tmc confinement food / other providers- any feedback?

    Thankd for sharing! Did the food come hot or alrdy quite cold?
  8. chloebun

    Tmc confinement food / other providers- any feedback?

    Hi any mummies tried ordering TMC confinement food? My MIL may be taking care of baby for me so I just need to cater confinement food. Any recommendations or feedback of TMC?
  9. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I see.. Lol scared me for a while..
  10. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    OMG is it any kind of incense???? Or just the mosquito type?
  11. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Hey babe if I may ask, what are the age of ur friends?
  12. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Hmm the scan is aft blood test hor? I am scared of drawing blood.. I get faintish...
  13. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Need to fast for oscar?
  14. chloebun

    Any recommendations for Massage/wrap lady?

    Must go for Malay massage ladies for effectiveness?
  15. chloebun

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Yes they measure by length! Mine changed by 6 days!
