Recent content by celinechong

  1. C

    8-5, mon-fri, CL

    Can try Pem confinement. think they have both stay in and out. CL are hospital trained as well. I heard positive feedbacks from cousin n colleague and has signed up.
  2. C

    22weeks feel numbness

    Hi mummies are there some specific ways to sleep to avoid numbling on ur legs?
  3. C

    2012 Twins

    Hi Ling I'm put on bed rest too at early stage cos I've pregnancy anemia.
  4. C

    What should be the correct sleeping posture?

    Hi Melly I'm in e same stage as u! I can't seems to sleep on my back, I'll feel breathless. but if I sleep on e side, I'll have numbness on hands n legs. n sometimes aching as well.
  5. C

    2012 Twins

    thanks Shiko. Joanne, so far still okay, but my tummy feel so tight esp aft dinner, like no space for breathing. the thing is i didnt eat alot. my detailed scan is scheduled next week. I'm excited! Heartbeat, I think should be ok cos seems like I'm e only one gynae check on e dilation...
  6. C

    2012 Twins

    Hi Joanne Aft my 1st tri, gynae has started to check. I was admitted to hospital at my 9th wks? due to spotting. now I'm approaching my 20th wk.
  7. C

    2012 Twins

    hi serene I don't hv pre existing condition. but doc always examine n c if there's dilation which makes me worried, n since it's not like any single pregnancy, ours will be heavier. hence I was wondering if any of u has used the support belt before and how was the feedback.
  8. C

    2012 Twins

    hello all, I'm new to this forum. I also have twins and would like to check if maternity support belt helps to prevent early dilation. and any of ur gynae has suggested sewing up ur cervix when it dilate?
  9. C

    Confinement Lady to recommend

    hihi, my cousin has recommended me Auntie Mei Lan, she uses her for her 2kids. but I have no direct contact details cos understand have to book her thru the agency. the auntie from Pem. I've booked their services think 2months back for my July confinement. since my colleague has also engaged in...
  10. C

    What should be the correct sleeping posture?

    hi, I feel so uncomfortable when sleeping, neither straight or sideways can put me to gd slp. n sometimes I felt some pain too. any suggestions or any of u encountered this?
