Recent content by adeline_cwm

  1. A

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    hi mummies, i just realised durians are a good way to chase MS away! Got to watch the intake now though, afraid i will grow addicted to it!
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    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Thanks Mee you, starry, Today has been a horrible day for me, woke up with severe MS although I read MS steps in after week 8 or something and I am only week 5-6? So horrible I can't bring myself to eat anything..have to let it go here and my hubby still tell me having MS means baby growing...
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    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Hi Starry, I am generally speaking not a pantang person. BUT my MIL has been telling me to lie low and not go around saying and sometimes, after you learn of certain customs, a bit difficult to disregard [IMG=] So I rather err on the...
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    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    hi all mummies! this forum is really amazing! Starry: thanks for your advice. my situation is a little peculiar - we were already in the midst of shifting when we discovered this bunny. Pleasant surprise but unexpected.. have a little situation here - i have been given mc by the doc...
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    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Hi everyone, Just tested positive and a new mum-to-be. Anyone has some to-dos and not-to-dos to share here? Any idea if we can shift place etc?
