IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi meilingg, ur with prof pc wong too right? My scan today was 9mm, still taking progynova. Hw much more will the lining grow? My transfer is this fri...

nope, mine was at kkh. with dr tan hh.

maybe nuh works differently.

good luck to ur ET!

guess ur lining might reach to 12mm?
Hi hi anyone doing medicated fet soon? Wat is the optimum lining for transfer and how much does the lining grow per day?
Hi pinkfuchsia,

I'm with KKH for medicated fet. Think different hospital requirement is different. I have only got 7.1mm lining but kkh wants to have at least 8mm to have optimum Trf but my doc dos mention that anything above 7mm is good to go.

My Tcm doc says that normally lining shld grow 1mm everyday but again differs to different ppl.

Good luck for ur ET
Hi, SueAnna18,
Same like u, my fresh #1 was long protocol. But fresh #2 will b short.. I m abit worried too, but I guess I juz hv to give it a try.. I m with Dr Tan HH too.. His reply was "try short. Lesser jabs, less stressful".. Oh well, it may juz b the right one for us.. :)

@queenie122009 , @SueAnna18,
Dr THH will go through your past records before recommending long/short protocol. My #1 fresh was a long and #2 fresh was a short. I BFP-ed during the long protocol so when Dr Tan proposed short protocol for my #3 fresh, i was also quite skeptical. Generally, he said the difference between the long and the short protocol is the length of time we have to jab ourselves. Other factors such as maturity of follicles from past cycles may play a part. If your AMH is good and you were responding well to the jabs in your previous cycle, he will recommend short to save us the pain of jabbing. Of course, if you prefer to adopt the long protocol, let him know and he will also consider. He asked me for my preference before he recommends the short protocol.
For FET, is there a diff between day 2 embryos or blastocyst? In terms of taking progynova or scans

Hi kammybear,
yes there is a difference. Doc says that blast gave a higher chance for bfp but then again some embryo might not like the lab environment and does not survive till blast.

I have my Trf at day 4 as I thawed 5 embryo trying to reach blast stage but only 1 survive so doc doesn't want risk having nothing to Trf so only manage to Trf 1 embryo at day 4.

I did a HPT and it was bfn so now waiting for bt on wed to receive I death sentence.
I did the natural fet at kkh in Nov 2013. I rested for a day on the day of transfer itself. And I work half a day for the next three days. Did not really bed rest. Just relax and it was a bfp.... During my fresh, I rested for the whole period during the tww, much time was spent at home..it was a bfn... Therefore my personal opinion is to get out of the house so that our mind is not always thinking about the result... And time will also pass more quickly.. I had chicken essence everyday. Brazil nuts and ensure milk. I went for acupuncture too...
If u have a stressful job however best to take full hl. HL doesn't mean stuck at home, u can go out take slow walks just as long ur mood is happy and relaxed
Hi pinkfuchsia,

I'm with KKH for medicated fet. Think different hospital requirement is different. I have only got 7.1mm lining but kkh wants to have at least 8mm to have optimum Trf but my doc dos mention that anything above 7mm is good to go.

My Tcm doc says that normally lining shld grow 1mm everyday but again differs to different ppl.

Good luck for ur ET
Hi yyw82, ya actually nuh also require at least a 8mm so I'm like just passed :( oh btw, did your doc mention anything like triple lining and such?
Thanks for sharing. Did u have the usual cramps or your usual menses symptoms though your menses was late? I intend to just wait it out since my review for failed ivf is next week and check with my gynae. It feels like its coming any minute tdy but till now there's nothing.
No. I did not have any signs of usual cramps at all throughout the 18 days. I even thought that my menses has lost its memory, if it owns one.
I just got my blood test results. It is negative. ;( Gotta start over again in April. Still got 3 frozen babies...
Hugs... Tiao and prepare your body for your FET in April. This journey is really challenging, persevere and we will all make it one day! Fighting!
Hi ladies, can someone enlighten me on what to eat after ET? I remember seeing a list of food but can't seems to find it now. I vaguely rem good like Brazil nuts, ensure milk, egg white... Am I right??
Btw I'm gg for ET tmr @ NUH. ER was on last sat.
Thanks in advance for the kind advice.
Hi ladies, can someone enlighten me on what to eat after ET? I remember seeing a list of food but can't seems to find it now. I vaguely rem good like Brazil nuts, ensure milk, egg white... Am I right??
Btw I'm gg for ET tmr @ NUH. ER was on last sat.
Thanks in advance for the kind advice.
Gd luck! How was your results and lining? My FET is this fri under prof pc wong, how abt u?
Gd luck! How was your results and lining? My FET is this fri under prof pc wong, how abt u?

I'm under Dr Anu. Retrieved 3 eggs. 2 matured but only one fertilized and only a satisfactory grade. Going to transfer this one and only one tmr. Hope it survive.
My lining is not ideal too but I guess no choice but to take the chance. Cos just 1 embryo and satisfactory grade only thus not advisable to freeze.
Hi ladies, can someone enlighten me on what to eat after ET? I remember seeing a list of food but can't seems to find it now. I vaguely rem good like Brazil nuts, ensure milk, egg white... Am I right??
Btw I'm gg for ET tmr @ NUH. ER was on last sat.
Thanks in advance for the kind advice.

I might not be the best advice as I just got a negative bt.

But I've researched the list also includes avocado, 'warm stuff' like lrd tea, chicken essence.

All the best to you!
I'm under Dr Anu. Retrieved 3 eggs. 2 matured but only one fertilized and only a satisfactory grade. Going to transfer this one and only one tmr. Hope it survive.
My lining is not ideal too but I guess no choice but to take the chance. Cos just 1 embryo and satisfactory grade only thus not advisable to freeze.
Give your embbie a chance and trust, I know of ladies who succeeded with satisfactory embryo.. Fighting!
I'm under Dr Anu. Retrieved 3 eggs. 2 matured but only one fertilized and only a satisfactory grade. Going to transfer this one and only one tmr. Hope it survive.
My lining is not ideal too but I guess no choice but to take the chance. Cos just 1 embryo and satisfactory grade only thus not advisable to freeze.

I had 11 eggs retrieved but majority didn't survive luckily left one survival to transfer. I got bfp on 13 Feb and went for my first scan today and saw beanie. Don't worry about only one embryo to transfer.
During the 2wws, I took folic acid, royal jelly, lrd tea, 2 eggs, chicken essence.
Good luck to you!
Hi yyw82, ya actually nuh also require at least a 8mm so I'm like just passed :( oh btw, did your doc mention anything like triple lining and such?

Scan did show triple lining. My Tcm actually thinks that at least I have got triple not that bad.

After 3 scans over every 3 days still 7.1mm I did suspect that the machine got prob or human error but cannot be jus me.
I just got my blood test results. It is negative. ;( Gotta start over again in April. Still got 3 frozen babies...
Hi kitty, I also got negative BT result today as expected. Also left 3 frozen. Do you intend to thaw 3 frozen in your coming FET? Was advice to start after 3rd cycle, which will be in May.
Hi autumn, I will be meeting my doctor end March and see what she says. I'm not sure when is my next cycle and what plans yet. I'm with Sgh Dr Yu.
What shall we do meanwhile to prepare the body ? I just took 2 glasses of wine just to let loose a little. Sigh.
Scan did show triple lining. My Tcm actually thinks that at least I have got triple not that bad.

After 3 scans over every 3 days still 7.1mm I did suspect that the machine got prob or human error but cannot be jus me.
Ya it seems like got triple lining is not too bad.. Hmm... I hear u, but I guess it varies frm individual bah.
Hi autumn, I will be meeting my doctor end March and see what she says. I'm not sure when is my next cycle and what plans yet. I'm with Sgh Dr Yu.
What shall we do meanwhile to prepare the body ? I just took 2 glasses of wine just to let loose a little. Sigh.
Hugs babe. Stay positive !
@hopeful13, hugs...jus a update on my ttc journey for 2yrs on off , I had a failed so IUI on Xmas eve dec, af visited 1day before bt, super heavy I almost tot I had mc, suddenly flush out massive blood. Sit in office toilet till 7pm, cos v dizzy n can't drive home.

briefing for IVF will start on coming Apr n IVF with Icsi on May period wif dr lau, during cny, went to toa payoh temple to pray for Zu shen Niang Niang, previously tried almost all ways, multi vitamins, opk kit, Korea ginseng, folic acid, long gan red dates, Brazil nuts, TCM, ovary massages, bd every few days during ovulation, but to no avail. My hb got teratoospermia n irregular long cycles up to 65days, improved after start treatment to 35days.
Ard me so many colleagues felt preggy so easily, keep asking me when is my turn, wow so sad..Can only pray hard n keep trying, jiayou le sisters
I'm under Dr Anu. Retrieved 3 eggs. 2 matured but only one fertilized and only a satisfactory grade. Going to transfer this one and only one tmr. Hope it survive.
My lining is not ideal too but I guess no choice but to take the chance. Cos just 1 embryo and satisfactory grade only thus not advisable to freeze.
I succeeded with 1 embryo on day 2, so don't be discouraged. Was almost same case as u. Two mature eggs, but one didnt fertilise so only 1 embryo.
Have any of the sisters here ever considered or have quit their jobs while in the ivf journey? I'm contemplating but there are a lot of considerations. Financial , and also 100 percent at home can also be stressful.
@hopeful13, hugs...jus a update on my ttc journey for 2yrs on off , I had a failed so IUI on Xmas eve dec, af visited 1day before bt, super heavy I almost tot I had mc, suddenly flush out massive blood. Sit in office toilet till 7pm, cos v dizzy n can't drive home.

briefing for IVF will start on coming Apr n IVF with Icsi on May period wif dr lau, during cny, went to toa payoh temple to pray for Zu shen Niang Niang, previously tried almost all ways, multi vitamins, opk kit, Korea ginseng, folic acid, long gan red dates, Brazil nuts, TCM, ovary massages, bd every few days during ovulation, but to no avail. My hb got teratoospermia n irregular long cycles up to 65days, improved after start treatment to 35days.
Ard me so many colleagues felt preggy so easily, keep asking me when is my turn, wow so sad..Can only pray hard n keep trying, jiayou le sisters
Hi may i ask where do u go for ovary massage? Anyone has any home based fertility masseuse to recommend?
Have any of the sisters here ever considered or have quit their jobs while in the ivf journey? I'm contemplating but there are a lot of considerations. Financial , and also 100 percent at home can also be stressful.
I did think before but the no financial is more stressful! To me la
Have any of the sisters here ever considered or have quit their jobs while in the ivf journey? I'm contemplating but there are a lot of considerations. Financial , and also 100 percent at home can also be stressful.

I have done that in my first fresh cycle . But then the decision to quit is a major one and have to be thought through carefully. If financial is a problem, resigning may create more stress while you are cycling. Can consider converting to part-time for 1 year, if company allows?
I did my day 10 scan for natural FET. Lining only 5.5mm with no triple lining. Think it is too thin right?
How can we increase the lining thickness?
My first fresh cycle has failed. AF came yesterday and full flow today before BT.
May I check with sisters here, is it a must to go for BT and follow up, and what are the important things we must ask doc? And how long must we rest for our body to flush out all the hormones jabs?
*Hugs* Be strong autumn_08.
I am scheduled for IVF post-review at end of March, wondering what to ask doctor also.
My menses ended after 6 days but now having spotting on and off. Dunno what's wrong..:confused:

Hmm by the time I see doc, if I were to do fresh think only got slots in June or July already then. I wonder if I can do fet and chope a slot for fresh also. Just in case.

Sorry abt your loss too.. Dunno y I just cried in office. It had been an ok week last week but this week is bad.. :(
Sorry for your losses hopeful13. May this year of goat bring us more joy and blessing. Good to cry it out, we will be stronger day by day.
