Any Aesthetic Facial Treatment Clinic To Recommend?


New Member
Hi, i have some pigments, freckles & sensitive/acne prone skin. Had read a few articles on newspapers & magazines about facial treatment. Anyone have these problem after giving birth? I was thinking of making a trip down to Aesthetic clinics for consultation. Was wondering if anyone can recommend
which clinic i should go to? Of cos, not too expensive but good! haha.. Pls advise if u have?Thanks

Bad experience at Clifford Aesthetics Clinic. Google review rating is only 3.4 out of 5, with two 1* reviews.

I made an appointment, when I was there, and gave my name, I was kept standing for a while. Lisa then pointed to her nose, and asked if I'm there for nose enhancement. -.-"" I was not, and I thought that was not professional. Later, i heard her announce loudly that she wants to go for her lunch..

Went in to meet the doctor, who started pointing out my flaws and selling other treatments, and tried to have me make a decision on the spot. I declined.

Afterwards, I was brought to take pictures. I asked if these pictures would be used to show other patients, and the girl who was supposed to take my pictures said no. I asked to see documents.. and the document I was asked to sign, actually ask for my consent to allow the pictures to be used for educational etc purposes.

I asked which brand of filler would be used, and another recept girl immediately said Juvederm. When liaising, we had agreed on Restylane
I then asked how many ml, and again she said 1ml. Again, while liaising, 2ml was agreed on. Not feeling confident, I asked for the price, and she hesitated!! Gave me the feeling of not being transparent.

She was unhappy when I calmly told her this was not what I agreed on. She then went in to ask the doctor, who I saw was reclining on his chair, busy with his mobile phone. Later in the treatment room, doctor ignored me till treatment starts and nonchalantly asked why i was worried about Restylane or Juvederm.. and didn't apologise until the end of the treatment, where he reluctantly apologised and said his staff should be better trained....

In the end, I was charged for price quoted + GST + consultation. Most clinics waived off consultation if treatment is done, but my fault I didn't clarify... so I paid $70 consultation to listen to the doctor sell me different treatments and no useful advice how to maintain my skin myself.

Also, I was forced to accept 2ml, as I was told its preloaded in the syringe and even if I wanted 1ml, it would be the same price. However, as I requested for the Restylane to be shown to be me during preparation, i saw 2 boxes of Restylane. Those familiar would know that the Restylane is commonly in 1ml syringe, though 2ml syringe is available as well.

Anyway, my personal feel is that Clifford Clinic is very commercialised. mostly reviews are from sponsored bloggers.
Hi, thanks for sharing.
I would like to listen more any others feedback from ClearSK?
Recently i just signed up their package 1for 1, but i realized it too expensive!
Like V facelift, 1 session $4400 due to 1 for 1 promotion, i got 2 session $4400 but still super expensive. I want to know others aesthetic their charges for V facelift. Please give your comments.

And fir pigmentation, the laser consider light one within few hour can recover, took about 30min to complete 1 session. I signed 6 session package cost around $2600.

Don't know i get 坎菜头?
Please give your comment.
I highly recommend Radium Medical Aesthetics. He is one of the rare type of doc who puts patients interests before profits.

I went to one at Taka and he pushed me $5000+ for a facelift. When I turned down, he got angry, I still have to pay consultation fees *for them to hardsell me?* I feel like are more like profits than see what is the best for me. My friend then recommended me Radium Medical.. I was skeptical at first but this doc is very professional in assuring me and he doesn't sell me any big package. He gives me options and suggestions, and work towards my budget. He also throw me free botox , discounts for me cos i tell him I don't have much budget but i want to look good hahaha.. etc. I am overall satisfied with the effects of his face works for me.

Do PM me i can give you my name & you can maybe get discount through my recommendation!
Anyone done Subcision with Rejuran? Is it ok if I'm still BFing?

I read this Dr Chua blog: and it seems like for my deep rolling scars, I need to do "subcision with collagen stimulators and hyaluronic acid". My girl is still latching on me and I'm not sure if the filler will affect my bm or not.

My SIL goes to Veritas to see Dr Chua and recommended me to go consult too.. but I want to research more first before going... don't want to waste the consultation fee if I ended up can't do.
Hi, I recommend Colin Tham Plastic Surgery. I had a facelift procedure at their clinic. Dr. Tham did a great job fixing the sagginess of my face. I feel younger than my age now. I can tell that he's really good and an expert in plastic surgery. Consult with him, and he will recommend the best facial treatment for you.
